An artist in Denmark aims to raise awareness of the suffering caused by modern pig production with an art installation that opened Friday that includes three piglets who will be denied food and water and will starve to death.
People will go insane over three pigs they can see but happily go to a supermarket to buy flesh of millions of tortured animals. I kinda see the point but still…
I’m all for subversive performance art but I think this “artist” should lock himself in the cage with the piglets until he starves to death, too.
Not really sending a message if you’re not risking your own life
Being cruel to animals to show that animal cruelty exists is really fucked up and not the play… 😟
Yeah, I feel like even if he just purchased a pig carcess and let’s it rot in a cage the point would be made much more effectively without excess suffering simply by the smell and sights where people can’t ignore it.
Seems we do not have the whole story. As the article says, this is clearly illegal. When the inevitable complaint is made, the police are not going to just stand by.
“modern pig production”
Chilean-born Marco Evaristti is courting controversy to make a point about the treatment of pigs in Denmark, where about 25,000 piglets die daily as a result of the conditions in which they are bred.
wait until Marco finds out that they are bred to be killed.
There’s no need for these piglets to suffer at all, but it’s euphemistic to say that they’ll starve to death. They will thirst to death, which is far more brutal.
Sacrifice the few to potentially save the many? That’s some dark utilitarian logic going on there.