Marco Rubio looks so fucking uncomfortable in every recent picture of him. He should probably stop doing things that make him feel like that.
Voter suppression is widespread. I didn’t vote. I would have liked to, but I live 3k miles from the nearest polling center and my absentee ballot came a week after the election. I know people who can’t vote because of DUIs (not defending DUIs, but they aren’t a valid reason to silence someone imo). Even among people with the right to vote, if you have to wait three hours in line with no access to food, water, or shade, that can be difficult to impossible depending on your health condition and employment circumstances.
I could see how rare earth might be good for a root vegetable, at least.
I just looked it up, and they were rediscovered in 1938, too. I’m absolutely not in my late eighties, so I guess this is just a good example of how weirdly wrong our early memories can be (at least mine are).
The coolest moment of my life was when my favorite dinosaur, the coelacanth, was discovered to still be alive. I was obsessed with this little known fish (for kids, no idea if it was better known among adults) and was super proud to be able to spell it, and then they found one!
And I told you that story because I so rarely get to, because nobody asks adults about their favorite dinosaur.
Beer is like canned bread to me, in a good way. I don’t understand this criticism.