European. Liberal. Green. I never downvote opinions: jeering at people is poor form. Comments with insulting language, or snark, or gotchas, or other effort-free content, will simply be ignored.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Arrête. La situation est bien plus simple que ce récit fantasque sorti du Kremlin.

    Le monde se compose d’Etats indépendants réunis aux Nations unies. Ils se reconnaissant entre eux et ils sont libres de leurs politiques étrangères à condition de ne pas vouloir changer des frontières par la force. Ils ont tout droit de rejoindre d’autres Etats indépendants au sein des associations telle l’Otan.

    Or, c’est bien l’Ukraine qui a demandé de rejoindre l’Otan. Et c’est bien la Russie qui a envahi l’Ukraine. Apparemment par une volonté de reconstituer un empire.

    N’en déplaisent à ceux qui cherchent à imposer un récit alternatif, les faits sont clairs comme l’eau.

  • Yes, your theory about inevitable concentration sounds like the one of Thomas Piketty (where war functions to keep a lid on the concentration). Depressingly persuasive.

    Personally, I find it hard to deny that capitalism has been incredibly successful at creating abundance seemingly out of nothing. I see it as a kind of ingenious roaring engine, the whole question is how to somehow harness it to good purposes.

    And also how to turn it off. Because I think that the abundance does not come magically out of nowhere, as orthodox economics seem to believe. It comes from plundering the natural world, which the human economy sits on top of.

  • Another word is needed, this one has become so baggy as to be meaningless. Capitalism has been the predominant economic system across the world for centuries now. It just means the accumulation of surpluses, creating economic growth. It has no a-priori about what’s done with the surpluses.

    Just as the Gilded Age and today’s broligarchy were underpinned by capitalism, so were New Deal liberalism and 1980s Swedish social democracy. That last model in particular created a society that was freer and fairer (so: less evil) than any ostensibly “non-capitalist” one has ever been.