You won’t see Sanders become president. That will never happen. They, the bipartisan political establishment, robbed you of that forever, in 2016. But you do need to go and listen to this guy, learn from him, absorb his energy and regain hope. That is how a decent, intelligent American thinks, talks and acts. He is doing this because he sees something alarming happening from within the state and he is throwing a hail Mary to every decent people he can find on the streets. He knows change is outside the system.
a singular politician. he’s going to die on the job, in the middle of an impassioned speech on behalf of the working class. indefatigable. not even Lincoln or Kennedy had a fraction of the perseverance and consistency this man has demonstrated. a true public servant.
Three words:
- Signed, a very hopeful Canadian.
In an ideal world, but haven’t we learned that she’s too female and probably not white enough for America? *I don’t agree, but I’m being pragmatic
Let’s do racism and sexism, not because we’re racist and sexist, but because other people probably are. It may look like us and the bigots of unclear numbers are both having the same effect, but we’re not bad people just because our actions proactively support bad things. We’re just being pragmatic.
Let’s not live in the real world and run a black woman as candidate, which has never been done before… Why not?
Oh, that’s just coincidence.
As is the fact that even without racism, a woman lost to trump last time.
Nothing to do with the fact that racism and sexism exist and are actually very important to some people. /sCome on. Run a black woman at a time when the consequences of racism and sexism being expressed in the voting booth aren’t AS bad. Not when a dictator from day 1 is going to get elected in possibly the last ever election for the US. Then you run your most boring, conservative candidate who as few people have a problem with as possible until whatever passes for normality in the US returns.
What do you think that trump getting elected has done for women’s rights, or POC? Yeah, better to be pragmatic because getting a woman on the ballot paper was not worth it and probably set us women back by decades, at a minimum.
She was the VP, and who else did Democrats have? They didn’t primary and changed horses at the last minute… They had no one built up for it and little time to do it
I didn’t even hear very much about her being black or a woman - Trump took some shots, and they tried that angle on Fox and such, but most of that fell flat. They ended up calling her a communist and running on the economy - it seems extremely telling
Honestly, she did great until her advisors told her to ease up on the rhetoric and attacks, and basically crippled her already watered form political positions to the point it was “we’re going to do good things in a nuanced way, but we’re not going to take firm stands”
The guy who was running as VP? Honestly any white guy who didn’t have too many skeletons in the closet. Doesn’t really matter, just another boring white guy. Hold ground in the worst times, push ahead in the better times.
You mean the guy who dropped out?
Biden won on basically not being Trump… That strategy only works when Trump is still in office. Public memory is short, shit is fucked and people want change desperately. Billionaires control the media, and they managed to convince enough people that Trump would be good for them (whether financially, religiously, or because they’re racist)
And let’s not forget, Trump barely won, no matter what he says. Between voter suppression and the manipulation we know of, that margin is razor thin - districts called it long before they finished counting votes
It would have been a blow out if the Democratic party wasn’t fucking around. Obama won on “change”, and didn’t deliver… People are so desperate for something different and the Democratic party is actively resisting the demands of their own supporters, let alone the people
I’ve felt that Bernie should be president since 2015, but he never stood a chance in the US. You have a 0% chance of being elected president in this country once the label of “socialist” has been applied to you.
You say that but articles like this don’t fit that narrative. There are Republican voters who like Bernie and they have been showing up to his rallies for years. I know several Trump voters who have said they would have voted for Sanders if they got the chance. The idea that progressives don’t appeal to conservatives is neoliberal propaganda. Progressives hit on alot of the same problems as conservative politicians they just have different solutions (and a lot less bullshit). Neoliberalism just pretends that the status quo is fine. Despite the name conservatives are largely unhappy with the status quo. That’s how we got Trump.
There are Republican voters who like Bernie and they have been showing up to his rallies for years.
Then Bernie should have run for the Republican nomination. He tried running for the Democrat nomination twice, and he lost twice.
The DNC rigged it against him. He should have ran independent. The DNC is corrupt af.
The DNC rigged it against him
He should have ran independent.
Nope. Wouldn’t have worked.
The DNC is corrupt af.
Watched it live. Glad there are still some politicians fighting back.
And he’s always been fighting back. Dudes been an activist for what, the last 50 years or so?
What exactly has he done to “fight” back?
The fact that both sides of the aisle circle the wagons to prevent him all the while plagiarizing his talking points should tell you volumes.
What has he done to fight?
I got my mittens and knitted hat still…
I still have my official shirt from 2016