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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2024


  • but but it’s a secret and um, secrets are bad! trust me bro! bro?

    it’s like, no shit the government is corrupt. and no shit, the US squanders taxpayer money abroad on endless proxy wars perpetuated intentionally by international arms suppliers for the benefit of oligarchs and tyrants (elected or otherwise).

    but conservatives just hear “Trump mad at Ukraine now” and fall in line like gormless toadies, not understanding that he and Putin are just the latest wave of despotic power brokers bilking the citizenry for personal gain.

    the players change, but the game doesn’t. conservatives obsess about which color shirt the guy who robs them is wearing, and ignore cries to stop supporting thieves.

  • not everything on the internet is for you. even if you’re #not-like-the-other-freethinking-independents, people aren’t required to accept or like what you say. you can either read the room and change how you say stuff, or you can just keep quiet, or you can leave. no one’s making anyone a hostage on discussion boards. we can all walk away anytime we feel like it. it’s called being a grown up in a society. leave or go start your own “this word is okay to say club”. you haven’t been arrested for saying retarded, you were simply kicked out of a chat group. whoopty doo.

  • it’s a myth anyways. Gary Stevenson talks about it. ultra rich people are rich because they own physical assets that society (businesses and individuals) must pay them to rent or use. you don’t have to be a resident of a place to invest in it, you can drop cash into places from anywhere. in other words, where money gets invested is NOT dependent on where the investor lives.

    it’s naive to think that a billionaire who leaves the country will just walk away from say, a lucrative oil drilling operation or a supermarket chain or a new skyscraper or a data center… simply because they don’t live there? even if they choose to avoid US opportunities, other investors will come along to snatch it up.

    billionaires can change countries and move anywhere in the world, but they can’t take a stadium or an office building or a football team with them. the productive resources (factories, shops, commercial buildings, apartments) that enable wealth generation and contribute to gross productive capacity each quarter, aren’t portable.

    the physical resources and tools of production will still be here, the parasites who extract rents from them will not. besides, plutocrats don’t pay any income or wealth taxes, so it’s no net loss whatsoever.

  • federal workers are terrified right now that if they make one wrong step, they’ll be on their asses, with families and mortgages depending on them to be perfect.

    this email alone resulted in thousands of unplanned mandatory meetings with supervisors, checking with coworkers, asking PR and internal communications experts, consulting with division directors, on and on up the chain of command.

    trust me, they spent way more than 10 minutes, more like hours and hours per employee across the whole govt.

  • do comic books have 24/7 live updates and endless scrolls designed to exploit addictive behavior?

    were dime novels published by an ideologically aligned billionaire class who is working to capture our political processes?

    does D&D have an algorithmically generated “for you” page designed to promote rage content?

    did teens spend 4+ hours per day staring into their comics or check them anxiously 344 times per day on avg, or look at them while in school, while stopped at intersections, while on the toilet? did they talk to therapists about how they feel overwhelmed by their comics, the comics make them feel suicidal, etc, etc. was the billionaire CEO of the comic industry involved in national policy making and firing of federal workers?