Fuckin’ A. Hardly a rise and grind mindset at all.
Alec Baldwin was not available for comment.
Pfffft! That’s obviously a wendigo having a bad hair day.
“Wanna be furious every time you stop?”
Eating bat vs. eating air seems like a no-brainer in the survival dept.
I’m just gonna stand over here… away from the gorilla you just said has tiny balls…
The gorilla-spreading is real.
The country of Europe has a king. And you’re allowed a vote. Both insane comments, and only one is true.
The fact that both sides of the aisle circle the wagons to prevent him all the while plagiarizing his talking points should tell you volumes.
Obviously not! That’s why we changed it from Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL) to Operation Iraqi Freedumb!
Ooh! Word play! Lemme try!
America didn’t torture it’s detainees in the “war” on terror; we used Enhanced InterrogationTM! Now with less calories!
Seriously. OP must be 11, or something. Each of them has been called terrorist.