Kenshi is back on sale for 12$. It’s a special kind of special, but someone out there might connect with it. Lots of yt videos to get a feel for gameplay.
Can anyone recommend a good multiplayer shooter with a high player population? (Either 2D or VR is fine.) Or any non-MMO, non-role-playing PvP game that is mostly online and has populated servers? Something my 37-year-old ass can just jump into and play a quick match without having to dedicate my life to it?
Getting sick of all the PUBGs, Counter-Strikes, Call of Duties, and Overwatches/Marvel Rivalses. My best gaming memories were during the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 days. I never had more fun in a shooter than when I was playing Rush. But unfortunately EA never managed to recapture that same magic in the sequels. After the 2042 flop I quit Battlefield for good.
Operation Harsh Doorstop is my favorite fps, it is a semi-realistic vehicle big map shooter… but it has mod support and mods like Casualfield (which has active multiplayer servers) have much more Call Of Duty like gameplay. It is free, no live service crap. Even if you don’t like where the vanilla game is right now, keep your eye on it, it is an easy platform for other shooters to be modded on. Player population isn’t huge but there are consistently full servers. I also don’t think the realistic nature of the game makes it less accessible than a game like battlebit, since there is such a specific gun meta at certain ranges in arcadey games like battlebit, and everything happens so fast with constantly rushing smg players… it is actually really hard to break into when you are playing on even normal pub servers. Apex Legends is in my opinion the worst game with this. In a game like OHD though, an assault rifle with a scope can do pretty much anything well enough, though you might prefer a more specific kit for a situation, but there isn’t this crazy focus on constantly changing weird metas and gun balances to pump up paid skins for a gun that was just added… This is just a free moddable big map vehicle shooter with a server browser and barebones singleplayer, which is awesome.
Halo Infinite I grew up with Halo 1-3, I don’t have any special love for 343, but Halo Infinite big team battle is the best halo multiplayer has ever been. Capture the flag is amazing with the warthogs the way they are balanced in halo infinite, I can’t stand microsoft lol but damn halo infinite is in a nice state now.
Splitgate Ok, player population isn’t massive, but this is a realllllly good game, even outside the portal gun mechanic. The gunplay is great and the jetpack is tuned perfectly. Can’t recommend it enough!
Easy Red 2 Alright now I am just straight up lying, this game never has huge concurrent numbers, but you can give large numbers of forces commands pretty easy in the interface (like you can drive a half track up to an objective and order your squad to dismount and assault). It is another WW2 game… but this game actually strives for historical specificity in lots of areas that aren’t usually covered in WW2 games. There is a great diversity of armor, vehicles and fighter planes, the games is a blast and is a steal at around $10. Cross platform tooo!!! Great for bot bashing.
Xonotic is the best arena fps ever, playerbase is HUGEEEE E
ok but I love it
Next battlefield could turn things around, respawn /Vince zampella was given control of the series
Due Process is a multiplayer competitive shooter similar in vein to Counterstrike or Rainbow Six Siege, but the maps are somewhat procedurally generated (there’s tilesets and certain rooms layouts for every map) meaning there’s no consistant strategy and sniper points to meta game. You play as defenders guarding a bomb or attackers breaking into the building to disarm the bomb, switching sides after 3 rounds. Rounds last 2 minutes with an extra minute given at the start to plan out the strategy. The economy of weapons works in that all the guns for 3 rounds are all available at the start and only the living players get to bring weapons to the next round. The original devs are no longer working on it I believe, but it is being updated and maintained by volunteers.
BattleBit Remastered is legitimately the tightest battlefield-like fps i’ve ever played, better than name-brand battlefield even. it fills the exact same niche for me.
i play with mic off and still manage serviceable communication with a squad of randies pretty much every game. there’s relatively frequent balance updates, so the meta isn’t focused on any one single playstyle. it’s exactly what i imagine an fps made by fps-junkies to look like.
Also playing support actually feels rewarding, and i think that’s proper rare in multiplayer games.
e: fuck hahah just kidding apparently it was abandoned by the devs. last update 15 months ago, rip to my favorite fps :c
God damnit; you had me sold up until the very end. :(
this is the worst way to find out my favorite game had a scummy dev the whole time lmao
there’s reviews from February that say you can still find populated servers, but that might be region dependant and you almost certainly won’t have a choice for gamemode.
guess we’re both just waiting for the next next good battlefield game 🙃
Age of Wonders 4 has been a surprise and a delight. I was actually so impressed with it I ended up buying my best friend a copy yesterday.
I also picked this up recently and am enjoying it a lot. Can’t speak for the multiplayer, but the singleplayer is very good. There are a lot of meaningful choices and variety that keep things fresh throughout and between runs.
Doom (2016), Doom Eternal, Helldivers 2, Broforce
I’m making myself finish Fell Seal before I start it, but I picked up Triangle Strategy at what says is the record low price. As an FFT fanboy, it looks great (and so is Fell Seal for that matter).
Ooh thank you for mentioning Triangle Strategy. It’s been on my mind because it seems it’ll scratch that FFT itch but I didn’t have it in my wishlist.
Here is a link to Steam DB showing popular games more than 50% off:’m enjoying Railway Empire. It’s on for 75% off the base game and pretty good deal for the entire DLC & Japan collections.
If you love time-wasters with some challenges, then I’d recommend it.
I liked it until the timed missions kicked in. It was a free game on EGS years ago.
my reccomendation? whatever’s on gog
in all seriousness, you can’t go very wrong with games made by valve, portal especially.
Good Old Games.
Anno 1800 is 5 bucks. I love it, but you need to deal with Uplay as well
I have over 600 hours in Anno 1800 and highly recommend it buuuut I would advise people consider the more expensive edition that includes all the expansions.
True, but if it annoys you enough, there are tools to help you remove the requirement.
There are other tools too.
Borderlands 3, if you somehow missed it, for under £5 is just a good value.
Idk why you got downvoted. Borderlands 3 for $6 is a pretty good deal. And $16 for the complete edition isn’t bad either. I already own the full collection on steam so I can’t see the price of that, but when I bought it during the last sale I wanna say I spent like maybe $50 on the entire Borderlands series.
There really is a “Lemmy hive mind” starting to form, just like reddit.
Because Borderlands is boring and repetitive, especially if you don’t have a friend group to play with.
So comment your dissenting opinion instead of just downvoting with no further context.
I don’t think there were downvotes, just me myself removing 1 upvote (as I am a shy person). I bought it at full price myself, and have no regrets.
there’s an option to split the updown vote display on Lemmy
I got myself and can recommend:
Returnal (29.99€) (Rogue-like shooter),
Wisper (6.99€) (Open world exploration) and Crossroads OS (3.74€) (Puzzle game).
I can further recommend:Studio System (8.84€) (Horror),
With My Past (6.59€) (Puzzle),
Signalis (13.99€) (Horror).I fucking loved Returnal on ps5 and it’s a steal for the sale price right now!!
Lingo ($6.99/$9.99) is an incredible exploration and word puzzle game. It also has a few excellent custom maps such as Duolingo and Liduongo.
A sequel (Lingo 2 $9.99) just released and is also excellent. It changes how puzzle rules are presented, making them playable in either order. It’s a more polished experience though, so playing the first game after would probably feel like a step backward.
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Caves of Qud has a small discount. I’ve been playing it a lot lately on the Steam Deck.
I just bought Suicide Squad (I know, I know, but it was on sale and I want to experience it at least a little); Pine; and Sniper Elite 2R, 3 and 4.
I’m very excited to get into the Sniper Elite games. I played 5 back when I had Game Pass, but never finished. I figured the others might be just as good.