Borderlands 3, if you somehow missed it, for under £5 is just a good value.
Borderlands 3, if you somehow missed it, for under £5 is just a good value.
Freedom measurements claimed many lifes…
Then you are doing it wrong! Follow the guidance, get that water to 100c, or someone eating you will get a food poisoning!
Been to a couple gran prix, it is not as fun as it seems attending in person. You can only see a small part of the track, so TV coverage is waaaay better to watch. Also noisy (though not as much as it used to be before they introduced noise limits, no earplugs were helpful). For that MC hotel, only the vanity factor is strong, but given that you already have unlimited money by design of the question - there may be better ways to show off.
The resolution obviously means nothing and there will be no consequences (as with so many of the UN actions recently). But what a list in red. Who would possibly contemplate seeing Russia and the US on the same side just a couple years ago?
I don’t think there were downvotes, just me myself removing 1 upvote (as I am a shy person). I bought it at full price myself, and have no regrets.