Some cultures that actually have cannibalism refer to human flesh as “long pig” or similar because of the resemblance.
Some cultures that actually have cannibalism refer to human flesh as “long pig” or similar because of the resemblance.
Off topic but the past tense of killing someone by hanging is “hanged”, as in The Hanged Man. It’s an important distinction when discussing well-endowed people.
Riot actually has short stories, comics, and a few books on the lore of the world. It doesn’t show up in the game beyond voice lines, but some of the broad strokes of the Arcane story had been all but confirmed for years. Legends of Runeterra is also a card game set in the same world that expanded on things by letting champions talk to more minor characters (other cards in that case). And they are working on an mmo that will probably dive into the lore much more.