This sounds great (as someone sorta into this) until you realize that youre probably also someone shell just fuck and then leave. Also if every woman and or man would be like this it wouldnt be special and you wouldnt look up to it soo… yeah
Edit: after seeingnother peoples replies it seems like sex is a much less significant thing for the average person than for me. I guess this also promted people to downvote my comment but i guess thats a thing now, if your opinion differs you downvote. Respect to the people who actually share their opinion instead of doing that.
A relationship is not special because you fuck. It is special because you’re with a person you mesh well with. No amount of fucking will save a relationship that is not built on mutual compatibility.
I mean, it depends on how old you are, right? I did a 22 year monogamous stretch, but before that and between that and my husband now (10 years so far monogamous) got around some & had fun, my # would doubtless be shocking to many if I could even figure it out but it doesn’t mean I can’t be in a stable relationship, I was before and am now too. Husband similar story.
Some of us can enjoy recreational sex and also enjoy committed relationships.
Oh sure. I’m just saying that most people with a ton of partners probably aren’t interested in settling into a commited relationship. There are always exceptions.
This sounds great (as someone sorta into this) until you realize that youre probably also someone shell just fuck and then leave. Also if every woman and or man would be like this it wouldnt be special and you wouldnt look up to it soo… yeah
Edit: after seeingnother peoples replies it seems like sex is a much less significant thing for the average person than for me. I guess this also promted people to downvote my comment but i guess thats a thing now, if your opinion differs you downvote. Respect to the people who actually share their opinion instead of doing that.
A relationship is not special because you fuck. It is special because you’re with a person you mesh well with. No amount of fucking will save a relationship that is not built on mutual compatibility.
Right, and someone with >100 partners kinda outs themselves as either incapable of or uninterested in a stable relationship.
I mean, it depends on how old you are, right? I did a 22 year monogamous stretch, but before that and between that and my husband now (10 years so far monogamous) got around some & had fun, my # would doubtless be shocking to many if I could even figure it out but it doesn’t mean I can’t be in a stable relationship, I was before and am now too. Husband similar story.
Some of us can enjoy recreational sex and also enjoy committed relationships.
Oh sure. I’m just saying that most people with a ton of partners probably aren’t interested in settling into a commited relationship. There are always exceptions.