Why did so many of them read 1984 like a manual and not warning?
Why has the entire staff of the WaPo not walked out? With this, it’s solidifying itself as a right wing publication.
Man who censored editorials claims to support free speech.
You’re free to say anything you want so long as you don’t want to say something against the ruling class.
“You are free to say what you want and express your opinion. Just not publicly or privately, or thinking it to yourself.”
Irony so dense it throws off navigational equipment.
Nothing says free speech better than banning certain topics.
Free speech as long as you say what I want you to say.
“Free speech” = fascist speech. “Free markets” = monopolistic megacorporations.
Democracy dies in dumbness
Democracy and Capitalism cannot coexist equally. Capital will always win.
Has the Post — or any American newspaper — ever published an editorial against “personal liberties and free markets”?
So the WAPO goes full libertarian. It’s just a further enshittification of a newspaper that was once pretty good … but that was a long, long time ago.