The bowling ball, because there are 9 other guys with me, we are all dressed in white, and we’re standing in a triangular pattern because we are, in fact, bowling pins.
We get it you have friends, Geez!
I hope someone knocks this guy and their friends on their arses.
Depends on the speed. If the bowling ball is moving slower than 10 kph and the marble is moving at ballistic speed of 1000 kph, I would take the bowling ball.
They have the same momentum (the marble will kill you)
(The bowlingball will also kill you)
A bowling ball imparted with the momentum from a slingshot won’t even have the energy to stay air-borne.
The marble imparted with the momentum from a slingshot will fracture or even penetrate your skull.
Momentum is m*v. However, kinetic energy is (1/2)m*v^2, where the velocity is providing exponentially more to the equation.
What happens if you shoot them against each other with the same momentum?
I’m not a Physicist but since they have the same momentum, the marble will have a higher velocity. Let us assume the bowling ball weighs 6000 gm and the marble weighs 20 gm (average weight), the velocity ratio of the marble to bowling ball is 300:1 (300 times faster).
If we assume that both of them are made of the same material, and you throw the bowling ball at 1 m/s, then the marble is launched at nearly Mach 1. I’m pretty sure it will create a neat hole in the bowling ball.
I could be very wrong as well.
They shatter. And everyone in the vicinity dies by shrapnel.
Would you rather get hit by bowling ball shrapnel or marble shrapnel?
How far am I from the collision?
I’ll take a Taco
Let me put this differently:
You’re standing at a lever that can influence the direction of the shrapnel. If you do nothing, 5 people will get hit with bowling ball shrapnel and 1 person with marble shrapnel. If you pull the lever, 5 people will get hit with marble shrapnel and 1 person with bowling ball shrapnel.
What do you do?
Push a fat man in front of the shrapnel.
Whichever is most likely to kill me at its velocity
Are you okay
I mean, you cold just shove the marbles down your throat, but failing that… I know what it’s like to hope that someone pummels you to death with a bowling ball. I hope you don’t genuinely feel that way, but if you do, there are people here - myself included - who would be happy to offer advice to try and not feel that way, or at least provide some temporary relief from that feeling.
And that goes to anyone else reading this who feels that way: no matter where you are in your head, there’s a way out of the darkness. Take it from someone who’s been there ❤️
i legitimately am not in a good emotional/mental place so i do appreciate that
im proud of you!
If they both have the minimum energy to kill you, the marble will probably do it faster.
If they’re being launched by the same spring mechanism you’re better off with the bowling ball than a little glass bullet.
Depends, how tight is the spring? At high velocity i’d guess a marble will penetrate the body, where at low velocity a marbel would be easier to stop
I think they’ll both be exactly the same difficulty to stop due to conservation of energy. If the spring used is the same for both the bowling ball and the marble, the bowling ball is going to be going much, much slower than the marble.
If we pretend people are homogeneous, both will penetrate through the same amount of “meat”. What means the bowling ball will carve something like a 0.1mm deep 30cm wide hole, while the marble will carve something like a 10cm deep 1cm wide hole.
You also have to consider air resistance, that should reduce the energy of the bowling ball when hitting you, making it easier to stop
Air resistance will affect the marble more since it’s traveling faster. I also feel like either mass (or more likely, density) of the object matters, which would advantage the bowling ball in this aspect too.
Where are the physics nerds at, we need answers!
The bowling ball also has more mass compared to the surface area than the marble because maths, so air resistance would be very little for the bowling ball compared to the marble
The bowling ball. Cause fuckem that’s why
What is the velocity of each one?
A slow moving bowling ball causes little to no damage.
A marble fired at around half the speed of light might do some damage.
How far are you from the source?
A ways away, I’m not worried about the bowling ball, but that marble will fucking end you.
no I don’t
You’ve been hit by, You’ve been struck by, A smooth marble