It doesn’t count if you can’t see it!
Kelvin is the only legitimate way to measure temperature. Everything else is trivia. Duh.
Edit: I don’t have time for your downvotes. It’s 277 degrees outside and I don’t have a clean sweater.
None of these cameras measure things in Kelvin, the only temperature scale that matters. Disappointing.
You asked if people still used Facebook. The answer is yes. Do you really think that it has a human user base of zero?
Yes. Millions of people still use Facebook. Most of them are older, but they still use it.
That’s what I tell them because I’ve actually read Marx. But they either say I didn’t or say that I read it WRONG. It’s pretty funny.
See, you have to go through capitalism to get to communism. However, this only applies to China. All the other capitalist countries, this does not apply to. And if you JUST READ MARX, you would know that he made a “China only” rule where you get a bunch of billionaires and a stock exchange and then communism.
Interesting how you’re more interested in condemning Biden and Harris for this thing they didn’t do than Trump for doing it. In fact, you seem very unbothered by the actual plan here because the Democrats weren’t involved.
And yet there were plenty of other communist countries in the 20th century that did not have any corporations making profits. Why is Cuba special in this regard?
That is not in any way the same. Either there are hierarchies of power and the people at the top get rich and corporations make profits or it’s a communist country. You can’t have it both ways no matter how much you want to take the concept of communality from communism.
How is this a dichotomy? How does private ownership and profit exist in a communist state? That’s pretty much the definition of capitalism.
I understand wanting Cuba to be a communist country, but it’s no more communist than China.
You tell me where Marx says private ownership and enriching corporate profits are features of communism.
Well then they lost that war a long time ago, as the long line of beach resorts across the Cuban coastline would show you.
Just because Americans can’t (easily) go to them, doesn’t mean privately-owned places like this don’t exist there:
Edit: Not one downvoter has explained how you can have privately and corporate-owned luxury resorts in a non-capitalist country. Can’t imagine why.
Buh-bye, Reddit!