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It’s important to know where not to live or support.
It’s not a fucking collapse, it’s a Coup
Sexual assault was the only indictable charge because of the statute of limitations, but yes.
Says an idiotic idiot who is also a lying liar.
Some things you should determine first:
Plug these numbers into cost calculators for whatever cloud service you’re hoping to use, because this is honestly not going to be the cheapest route to store off-site if there are ingress charges like with S3.
I know Cloudflare’s R2 service doesn’t charge for ingress or egress (for now), but you might be able to find something even cheaper if you’re only backing up certain types of data that can be easily compressed.
I’d also investigate cheap ways to maybe just store an off-site drive with your data: office/work, family house, friends house…etc. Storage devices are way cheaper than monthly cloud costs.
That’s how they do. Make this an illustrative talking point to anyone around you who depends on these programs, because this is guaranteed to be coming. These are just the first steps.
This may not sound scary to some, but this in effect is an attempt to stop the judicial branch from being able to operate openly and properly. Refusing the sign warrants against people who are allied with Trump is like giving them permission to break the law.
Guess now we also have to make sure we’re aware of where we are in the country if we need the police to do their fucking jobs. Fucking disgusting.
That thing is power hungry. Don’t even plug it in if you’re not even sure you need to use it for anything. It’ll cost you plenty in electricity just to have it idling.
I do not believe this for a fucking second.
That’s not the fault of the Judicial branch, they don’t prosecute crimes.
You don’t have a basic understanding of that concept or the Judicial system. Not even worth responding when you come with a fundamental idiotic understanding of how this works.
Then you haven’t been paying attention. I’ve said this a million times before for people saying what you’re saying: the executive has less far reaching power than Congress or Judicial for a reason. This is that reason.
Judges can arrest anyone attempting to enforce these fake proclamations that are illegal.
Judges can seize assets from private banks.
Judges can put anyone in jail that refuses to comply, and Trump can’t pardon them.
If these rules don’t hold them there is no constitutional agreement that states need to abide, and they all immediately assume control of military assets in said states. That’s the end of the US, and an immediate assault and destruction of Trump and his psychos in DC.
They won’t even try to push that. They know what will happen.
Have you noticed how stuck and stalled the Trump admin is right now? This is why. It’s working. We’re not even to the first court confrontation yet, which is due tomorrow. We need to see how far the judicitbranch is willing to go to issue punitive measures and enforce these things before we start crying that nothing is working.
This is the process in the US. It’s worked pretty well against other bad actors, and we need to give it some time to play out as defined in due process before more drastic measures.
Anyone involved with the legal response or not releasing these funds can be arrested and held in contempt of court. This would obviously apply to Trump lackeys, and not himself. Do this a couple dozen times, and his entire cabinet has nobody to enforce their bullshit.
I think they are asking about a personal instance, not something federated necessarily. A lag server.
Anything. You don’t need any services to be public unless you choose for them to be.
This is the point. Anyone not complying with the actual court orders should get contempt. Trump can’t pardon them out of shit.
Not just shameful. Outright disgusting and imbecilic.