Since I could not find a decent quality template for this, I made my own:
Since I could not find a decent quality template for this, I made my own:
I have zero blocked anything. Even if people are trolls, it’s fun to see what everyone is saying.
I’ve even had constructive conversation on Hexbear before, I enjoy engaging with people with different opinions to me.
I blocked a LOT of furry porn but no people
I’m guessing you didn’t go against the flow?
One time I said it’s fucked up that Romani children are taken away from primary school and married off to have children.
Within an hour, I had crazy fucks publicly screaming at me how I’m a nazi and advocating genocide. Meanwhile I was also getting private messages about how they’re hoping I would suffer and some shit.
No I absolutely go against the flow, half of them shit on me and memed on me, and a few shared thoughtfully written messages explaning their point of view. The thoughtful messages are the constructive conversions I’ve had