Trekkie hacker
Trekkie hacker
Bathroom, it takes up too much space in the kitchen
If your goal is to learn about Linux, a single manual arch install will teach you more than going through a 100 near identical wizards. And that’s before going into actually useful resources like those that prepare you for Linux cert exams.
If your goal is to compare distros, a week is not nearly enough time.
I’ve even had constructive conversation on Hexbear before
I’m guessing you didn’t go against the flow?
One time I said it’s fucked up that Romani children are taken away from primary school and married off to have children.
Within an hour, I had crazy fucks publicly screaming at me how I’m a nazi and advocating genocide. Meanwhile I was also getting private messages about how they’re hoping I would suffer and some shit.
Should be pointing at the monitor. Xkill only stops showing the process, it doesn’t kill it.