How old is this? She has at least one skin in Fortnite because of the rhythmic game mode.
2:45PM, Oct 16, 2019. So this post would be 1959 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes and 18 seconds old. (Feb 26 2025 03:44 UTC+1)
Unix timestap or nothing.
Yea, this is Lemmy dang it!
About two weeks.
Is there a single out? I haven’t even checked
Update: yes there is
Old man yells at cloud time: I feel like naming yourself “Ninja” is something a 7 year old would do. I can’t take it seriously. It’s like naming your BG3 rogue “Assassin” or your music group “Guitarists”.
But also I stay away from all influencers, so I don’t know what’s going on in that world.
What do you feel about the name Gaga?
I like that it’s an homage to the best band ever, Queen.
I thought she got her name from the game
It’s a reference to the song Radio Ga Ga by Queen.