Announce a Lower Decks 6th season and I’ll throw a parade.
They aren’t lower decks anymore. Maybe a Upper Decks series?
I’m still holding out hope that that the long play. The trouble is the studio haven’t exactly shown themselves to be smart when it comes to Star Trek lately.
Why Orville when it’s so anti star Trek. Sexism racism etc. why?
Citation needed.
Anti-Trek? Whaaaat? It’s basically TOS/TNG but with Family Guy toilet humor and cursing. 🤨 I didn’t have much hopes for it when it first started, but it actually feels more like classic Trek than shit like Discovery.
First three eps are a bit dodge (and apparently aimed at The Studio to get them to leave them alone) but then they drop if the stars, then Pria, then Krill and holy shit it just levelled up stratospherically and kept going.
The whole show was made in reverence to TOS and the “golden era” of Trek. It’s a bit goofier, but the show as it went on tackled several tough social topics that would make Berman squirm.
Oh yes the episodes where the most manliest crew member is hermaphrodite and has partner drama with someone that looks as manly as them are hilarious
if you meant Bortus, no, he’s male not intersex. male Moclans laying eggs doesn’t make them not male. their daughter Topa’s storyline has intersex vibes but it’s questionable whether she can be called that
This comment is borderline offensive, tbh.
I fuckin loved Orville, has anyone seen Starfleet Academy yet? I really like Strange, nothing else so far.
Academy is in post production w/o an official release date.
Shut up Morne