Fuck me for wanting to watch movies with my friends I guess.
I use this all the time on my
server.I just moved to jellyfin instead of using Plex on my NAS, and I’m so glad that I did.
Bluh. I installed both but went with plex because it was a super easy setup. I’ll take another look at jellyfin.
Also question: can I access stuff remotely via phone like with the plex app without any additional configuration?
Not without additional configuration. You’ll need to forward jellyfins port in your router and get a dynamic DNS address. That’s not hard to setup though and there are good free dyndns providers like duckdns.
Don’t expose Jellyfin to the internet
Ah FFS, I use that all the time with my wife while we’re an ocean apart.
still works through the browser client
Thanks I’ll make sure she switches to loading it up in Firefox.
jellyfin has this :)
I have been using Jellyfin for over a year and have never seen this. I’ll have to look later! What client do you use?