Even when Democrats are in power, they still don’t do anything hardly at all. I have voted Democrat for a long time now, but what we really need to do is get rid of First Past the Post voting in America, as it would really light a fire under them to be effective or be replaced.
If democrats cared about the country, they would back Ranked Choice voting.
Too bad they fucking harpooned it in Colorado. Democrats and Republicans campaigned against it and killed the initiative. Neither party wants it because it pulls power away from both of them.
Exactly. Democrats are better than Republicans by a long shot, but they’re paralyzed by rich oligarch capture.
We all voted for Biden even though we KNEW he would be worthless but that’s who was forced on us…and then for four years he ABSOLUTELY REFUSED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE to do his Number One Job of defending the US against domestic terrorism and insurrection.
And then his successor campaigns as a GWB acolyte and gives vague, rambling non-answers to very simple questions while telling the constituency to go fuck themselves.
You figure it out
even though we KNEW he would be worthless
Lol. So many people who paid absolutely no attention to his accomplishments as president crying online about how he did nothing.
So frustrating to people who actually paid attention. Guy was the most progressive president in pretty much all of our lives.
Could he have done more? Sure. And he should have. But for you to come on here and post that he was worthless is a condemnation of you, not Biden.
But yes. Blame the party that always respects the Constitution and has a voting history proving they regularly support the middle/lower classes while ignoring the party that regularly takes a shit on the Constitution, supports literal traitors, and only votes in favor of the wealthy.
Right right, it’s a neat graphic, but it kind of ignores people who remember multiple presidential elections.
If we vote Democrat and then the Democrats don’t do jack s*** then what surprise is it that people stay home next time? Obama was weak. Biden was weak. They could have pushed policies that would benefit the average American citizen, and they mostly didn’t. The party threw us away, not the other way around.
And I still think people should vote, but you don’t get to blame them for the Democrats being s*****.
Obama was weak. Biden was weak.
You’re making it pretty obvious that you paid absolutely no attention to either of these president’s accomplishments.
One of them gave me affordable healthcare when I was young and broke, for starters.
They had control of the house, senate and presidency and backed away from passing a single payer system. They chose, instead, to simply provide government subsidies to insurance companies.
They had the opportunity, and the power, to provide universal healthcare like ever other Western Democracy and they chose to gift health insurance company billions without any meaningful change to the system.
I’m glad you got healthcare, everyone should have healthcare. Everyone could have had healthcare, but they were weak.
It’s like they’re trying to force only two options- Either Democrats are beyond reproach and you have to vote for them, or you hate democracy. I’m not allowed to be critical of Dems and have voted for them. I’m not allowed to call them complicit or call out their lack of resistance.
I’m going to be very critical of Dems and I’m going to keep a close eye out for any feasible alternatives. I’m hard out if they put AOC up.
I’m going to be very critical of Dems
That’s totally fine, as long as you understand that right now, in America, if you want to protect our democracy, you have to vote Dem, because Republicans do not respect our democracy, at all.
I’m going to keep a close eye out for any feasible alternatives.
That’s also fine if you’re talking about local elections, but not if you’re talking about the Presidency. Because no 3rd party has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the presidency. Why? Because no 3rd party has any presence, at all, in the House or Senate and the 3rd party candidate with the most votes in 2024 only got HALF OF A SINGLE PERCENT of the total votes cast.
Dems didn’t protect democracy. I have no faith they ever will.
And that’s why I specified feasible.
Well the Google results i saw say about 64% of eligible voters voted, which is apparently high for the US.
Based on 2020 numbers it does look like a lot of 2020 Biden voters stayed home and most 2020 Trump voters came out again. Add in some economy frustration and surprise we get this shit show for 4 years…
He’s not going to stop at 4
then you can start a fucking civil war over it, it’s literally the law, federally, and in most states.
What do you mean when you say states? The states themselves have a law that says how many years a president may be president?
so, US presidential elections are weird, because the states have a significant deal of authority when it comes to running the presidential election, this is why the things like the amendment 14 thing happened prior to the election. States have a CONSIDERABLE amount of authority over these to a point where any sort of conjoined fraud would be incredibly difficult.
If we get to a point where the fed goes “fuck it three term presidents” and the states go “uh, nuh uh” you can basically tank an entire election by simply not putting that candidate on the ballot, the question is whether or not this holds up in the supreme court, the answer, should be yes, because that’s what the constitution says, and you can bet your ass it won’t be amended anytime soon. So there would either have to be MASSIVE levels of collusion in the federal government (to the point that a civil war is likely to start) or it would be like two states that don’t put the candidate on the ballot.
It’s a very surefire way to cause problems in an election, and it gets messy very very quickly, so the federal government at all costs should stay far away from this.
Also, regarding state law, im guessing a lot of states have similar term limits, i’m not sure any have any explicit term limits of presidential terms, but given that it’s in the constitution, i’m guessing a few of them have that somewhere. If not in their constitution directly.
Tens of millions of people voted for the Democrats. Do they not get to complain?
you are absolutely welcome to complain, however i would advise you to complain about actual real issues, rather than “black hole issues” like “The DNC didn’t personally target me and now i feel left out” because let’s be honest, nobody fucking cares. We have problems to be solving, not shit to be moping over.
So disingenuous. The DNC targeted voters that don’t even exist. Their strategy on the economy was to gaslight voters and tell them that nothing would change from the president who had a 38% approval rating. A president who spent 4 years yelling at then that everything was fine in the middle of a housing crisis with record inflation.
The whining about “unfair” criticism is unbelievable. Give me a break. The Democratic leadership is completely out of touch with voters. Kamala never should’ve let them run her campaign.
So disingenuous. The DNC targeted voters that don’t even exist.
and yet people went to the rallies? People were excited about the election, people felt good until it happened. And then everybody flipped like a switch and went edgy teen “i’m going to do something really bad” mode immediately after.
Their strategy on the economy was to gaslight voters and tell them that nothing would change from the president who had a 38% approval rating.
which to be fair, was accurate, and is true, all of their claims are factually correct, the problem is that voters are stupid, and politicians struggle to get this point across to their idiot supporter base appropriately for some reason. The consumers tend to feel the effects of a recession, in a lagged period. Think about covid, not many people struggled through covid, it was easier than most people thought it would be, it’s the inflation that happens after that really causes problems. The economy tends to do significantly better through these periods of inflation, which is why the inflation happens. To stem the growth to more reasonable levels. Otherwise you have some really funny shit happen.
that nothing would change from the president who had a 38% approval rating.
find me any evidence of approval rating meaning literally anything. Please.
A president who spent 4 years yelling at then that everything was fine in the middle of a housing crisis with record inflation.
the record inflation happened after covid, at the end of the four year term, nobody should’ve been surprised by this, it was an established and expected thing that was going to happen, but for some reason everybody now pretends like inflation never should’ve happened, because covid “wasn’t that bad actually” even though it was a literal failure of the global shipping industry. Of course the inflation is going to be pretty bad, that’s literally how Keynesian economics work.
The whining about “unfair” criticism is unbelievable. Give me a break. The Democratic leadership is completely out of touch with voters.
there is argument to be made about the DNC being out of touch, and just generally incompetent. However people mostly just like to bitch and yell I.E. your comment, rather than do anything to actually fix the fucking issue, and i guess hoping for a golden goose to show up and suddenly fix everything, even though that’s literally not how this works, and we BOTH know this. We ALL know this.
edit: the housing crisis was in part instated by trump admin era tariffs on canadian lumber? Literally has nothing to do with that admin.
Can I complain about the fact that the Biden/Harris admin prioritized continuing a genocide over beating Trump?
uh, no? These are literally two irrelevant concepts.
If you want to complain about the fact that the biden/harris admin have less than desirable stances on the israel/palestine problem, by all means do that. But i don’t see how this is relevant to anything to do with beating trump. Because the statistics literally show that 75 million people voted for kamala harris this election. to the 77 million who voted for trump. Could that specific issue push her over the edge? Maybe, maybe not. It’s impossible to know unless you do incredibly in depth study on it.
This is literally the meme of “if only it wasn’t slightly too cold for me to comfortably go on a run right now, otherwise i would totally be taking care of my physical fitness, instead i will do nothing.”
Harris purposely ignored and pushed away parts of her base that cared about Palestine. She also refused to let a single Palestinian-American Democrat speak at the DNC.
That is prioritizing the genocide over the campaign
Harris purposely ignored and pushed away parts of her base that cared about Palestine.
because it’s primarily people under the age of 25. And a very small voter demographic, maybe arabic people also, but arabic people are decidedly biased against israel for obvious reasons.
She also refused to let a single Palestinian-American Democrat speak at the DNC.
i don’t know of any incidents regarding kamala, or her team publicly refusing the ability of a Palestinian to speak, but i could be wrong. If i had to guess, they prioritized big names and celebrities more than random people, which would generally track, following along with the general controversy surrounding the palestine issue, it’s probably the safest political bet they could make at the time.
That is prioritizing the genocide over the campaign
i don’t think this statement even makes sense in a semantic fashion, wouldn’t they stop promoting the campaign, and give like 300 billion dollars to israel instead?
Purposely pushing away any voters (especially parts of your base) during an election is a crazy choice if you want to win
And reminder here, they didn’t win, they knew they weren’t winning, they knew they needed more voters and they pushed people away anyway
You can, so long as you acknowledge that them taking an anti Israel stance would most likely also lead to Trump due to other democrats feeling alienated, and thus, a Trump administration that will do even more genocide.
The sad truth just seems to be that not even among democrats that position is a majority. No matter what you voted for, it would most likely not have changed that. The US needs like 20-40 years of progressive change before the majority is ready to take on such positions, and the way to ensure that timeline becomes longer and longer, is by making choices that undercut even small steps there.
Don’t vote for the lesser evil, vote for the path towards that eventual US where your opinion is held by the majority.
Don’t vote for the lesser evil
unless voting for the lesser evil is that path that leads to that point. Because otherwise you’re stuck voting third party, which is a meme. Or not voting at all, and look where that has gotten us thus far lmao.
Voting for the lesser evil has also gotten us here
yeah and driving cars gets people into fatal auto accidents, great statement.
vote for the path towards that eventual US where your opinion is held by the majority.
Been trying that for decades and it hasn’t worked.
The only reason I started voting for the Dems in the first place was because they were anti-war, now they are pro-war so things have moved backwards
Been trying that for decades and it hasn’t worked.
ok great news, you can like, do political ground work, today, for free even. Just go outside and talk to people, im sure there are even organizations that will assist you and provide you material to go and do it for them. It’s not hard.
The money is on the side of pro-war politics, this isn’t about what 1 person is capable of its a systemic problem
man i wonder how you could possibly go about deterring that mechanism, man i sure wonder.
Why not? Shouldn’t beating trump have been their top priority?
It was. And it was also everyone else’s top priority that had any common sense. Because most of us with properly functioning brains didn’t hold their vote hostage over things they didn’t give a shit about a year ago. Also- most people saw what was coming from a mile away, and weren’t smug entitled assholes they felt no obligation to participate. They weren’t irresponsible and careless children that would just pretend to be victims alongside everyone else once the smoke clears-
as I predicted they would.
If beating trump was their top priority why didn’t they listen to their base who were against the genocide? https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx
News flash genius: EVERYONE is against genocide. You’re not part of some special grassroots movement of people that figured something out.
It’s just that there rest of us aren’t smug entitled children that have no idea how politics work.
I think if you voted for Democrats you get to complain, but if you were eligible to vote and didn’t have to jump through a ton of hoops to do so you don’t get to complain. This could have been avoided.
edit: to be clear, I don’t think Democratic leadership really cares that we’ve got a dictator. But voting for them was harm reduction and too many people couldn’t be bothered, whatever the reason.
Why do people pretend that each election is in isolation? That if somehow we had all just voted for Harris even harder that America wasn’t headed down this path anyway. This shit has been a plan of American politics since Ronald Reagan.
I’m not an “accelerationist” by any means. But it’s just silly to act like this is a problem with voter turnout and only if we had “voted harder” it would all be fine. No. The entire system is fundamentally broken. That’s how we got here.
And the Democratic leadership allowed that to happen. The GOP did all of this in full public view.
The Democrats aligned themselves with Republicans on economic and labor policy under Clinton, they deregulated the media under Clinton, and they did nothing at all to counter the massive GOP controlled media empire. That’s on them.
The Democrats are weak. Even now they blame everyone but themselves for their political failures. Mainly trans people and progressives. It’s always the voters ’ fault when they lose.
They completely ignore the fact that most Trump-voting independents voted for him because of the economy, not because of social issues. They gaslit us about having the “greatest economy in the world” while we’re living through a housing crisis, record inflation, and a job market full of shitty work and a completely stagnant white collar sector.
Fuck the Democrats. We need to take them out like MAGA did the GOP.
Unfortunately I don’t think that that’s possible. MAGA was able to take over the Republican party because they still fundamentally defend the interest of capital. It’s why you still have career Republicans that criticized MAGA as a part of MAGA today.
The Democrats refuse to move left because leftist are anti capitalist and pro worker. They will never move that way because it is against their class interest and against the class interest of their donors. The most they will do is “allow” some slightly progressive voices like AOC into the party at “tokens”. But they will never platform them or allow them to grow.
The Democrats will gladly lose elections if it prevents anyone left of Reagan from winning.
The people complaining hardest are the ones who called democrats genocidal fascists and refused to vote. This site was filled to the brim with anty Democrat posts at election time, now it’s filled with “why aren’t they doing anything??” Posts, it’s the same people
TBF I voted extra hard for Harris and I’m still wondering why Democrats are voting yes on Trumps cabinet picks and why an 83 year old Bernie Sanders is out drumming up the masses while Hakeem Jefferies tells Jon Stewart that we’re all too stupid to know how amazing Democrats are.
ALSO, Democrats don’t seem to give a shit about the genocide, including you. So IDK what the fuck you expect me to say. I voted for harm reduction because I knew exactly what Trump was going to do, but that doesn’t mean I gave up all of my rights to complain about the shit job that Democrats do.
You need to understand that American non-voters are unironically fucking stupid. They heard you complaining about Democrats and that just reinforced their decision to not vote for anyone.
Its simple cause and effect.
Wait, so it’s up to me to sweep all of the bullshit under the rug so we can trick people into voting for the lesser evil instead of the Democrats being responsible for giving the people what they want and need?
Yes. Unironically yes. Unless you enjoy what we have today.
Na, lying to people is far above my pay grade. Knock yourself out, though.
Most of the members of Congress are extremely wealthy, Republican and Democrat alike. They’re not doing anything about this coup consolidating capitalist class power because they stand to personally gain from it. They don’t have to pretend to not have the votes to stop yet another grab at working class wallets because they can point at Elon and say “we have no power here.”
There are certain people who never want to hear it, but very few national politicians give a shit about us, certainly not enough to make a difference. They’re in it for personal gain, everything else is performative.
Some of them also don’t want to risk being violently purged by fascists so are bowing down early.
The handful that are actually speaking out are risking being very dead.
Which is fucking terrifying and why I’ve (and others) been screaming that nobody is coming to save us, we have to save each other. Put down the identity stuff for now and rekindle the militant labor movements we used to have in this country. Withholding our labor is the only way out of this - they need us a lot more than we need them.
What a fucking take lmao
“the blacks and the gays getting systemically purged from society doesn’t matter compared to the real stuff, things that personally impact me”
Yes, because that’s obviously what I meant. You totally got the exact right thing out of what I wrote and didn’t read your own bullshit into it at all. You sure got me pegged.
Fucking toad.
fuck it. I voted dem every election and they did fuckall. We got obamacare, whoop deee doo. we have to buy insurance now. fat load of good that did.
Fuck the dems. I’m leaving and voting for some other party, and you should too. campaigning for a third party should start right fucking now, so the dems can’t say “oH, ThE TiMe FoR SuPpOrTiNg a ThIrD pArTy IsN’t 5 MoNtHs BeFoRe An ElEcTIoN!” Fuck you, you goddamned fake ass left party.
You’re 100% right, but just a heads up, you absolutely will hear dems say that. Campaigning for a third party started long ago and you just joined in.
Dems will have no idea how long you’ve been supporting third-party candidates, and will only recall the discussions they hear while engaged - during election season.
This is a little bit dishonest. It’s not about the length of time you support a party but how much general support they have. You absolutely should support third party and grow the voter base on local and state and even push for larger support. But the spoiler effect is very real. In major elections where voting third party will elect the individuals most likely to harm you and your lifestyle in the most severe ways, and it is extremely obvious that third party has no real horse in the game, you hurt more than yourself. I agree Dems either need to figure their shit out and cut out the cancer or they need to get the fuck out of the way, but until third party candidates stand a real chance at national change for good, i will only be voting for them in elections they either stand a chance in or where showing support for them will help grow the voter base while limiting harm. Mid terms, vote 3pt. Primaries, vote 3pt. General election? Vote to minimize harm while maintaining a potential win.
Damn right the spoiler effect is very real. It was obvious to everyone that it needs to be fixed at a national level in 2000, and obvious that it needs to be fixed in the Democratic primaries in 2020.
So why would we believe any excuse for not opposing it with clone independent voting systems, like third-party candidates do. I’m surprised those don’t strike you as dishonest.
I’m not sure what you’re referring to about “independent voting systems”. I’m not talking about another system of voting in this case.
Is this one of those both parties same things? Because one party is literally pushing dictatorship. I don’t subscribe to that nonsense in our current system. Kamala Harris, for all her faults, would not be deporting brown people, taking away benefits for the poor, lowing the taxes on the rich, and literally handing money to corporations by the fistful. Both parties suck. But one is clearly worse.
No, it’s not. One side is fascist, the other side blatantly sold us out to fascists since 2000.
Democrats do anything but take accountability for their mistakes any% Speedrun challenge (impossible).
Jokes aside at what point do you stop pointing the finger at everyone else and recognize that you just fucked up? Political parties aren’t owed votes. They have to earn votes.
The Democrats failed to earn enough votes against Trump TWICE.
I don’t even wanna hear some shit about it being a rigged election or anything. The right was screaming about 2020 being rigged for 4 years and y’all kept telling them it was ridiculous and they just need to suck it up because they lost.
The Democrats will lose again in 2028 if they do not make serious changes up and down their party.
Jokes aside at what point do you stop pointing the finger at everyone else and recognize that you just fucked up? Political parties aren’t owed votes. They have to earn votes.
Thanks, I love hearing that my existence has to be earned.
Your existence? The fuck are you talking about?
I’m talking about the stupid meme and Democrats once again pointing fingers everywhere else instead of looking in a fuckin mirror.
If you (the Democrats) want to win a political race you have earn the votes from the people. They have failed to do so now multiple times.
At some point you can’t keep pointing the finger elsewhere and you have to accept that you didn’t convince enough people that you were the better option.
They need to take some responsibility instead of playing professional victims all the damn time. I’m sick of it.
Your existence? The fuck are you talking about?
You miss the whole fascist shebang that got setup this past month or so? We’re looking at starving the poor and Healing-Through-‘Labor’ camps for the mentally ill. Our LGBT brothers and sisters are in even more danger.
If you (the Democrats) want to win a political race you have earn the votes from the people. They have failed to do so now multiple times.
Yeah, if our thinking is just that this is team sports, or a popularity contest, that’s valid.
It’s not.
Talking about how it’s the Dem party’s fault for not ‘earning’ votes ignores that elections are matters in which the people decide their own governance. “The Dems aren’t flashy enough, I’m going to let minorities get murdered” is a choice made by every eligible voter who protest-voted or didn’t vote - and, of course, every fascist bootlicker who voted GOP. And those are the only votes which were available to be ‘earned’.
The Dems lost. The Dems are also immensely incompetent, and most of the party’s leaders at this point should probably be sent to the career-equivalent of a guillotine. But the core reason the Dems lost is because the American electorate consists of a supermajority of fascists, and fascist supporters.
You can try to excuse the electorate by accusing the Dems of pointing the finger at ‘everyone else’, but ‘everyone else’ literally is culpable in this fucking disaster as well.
They need to take some responsibility instead of playing professional victims all the damn time. I’m sick of it.
Deeply ironic.
The Dems lost. The Dems are also immensely incompetent, and most of the party’s leaders at this point should probably be sent to the career-equivalent of a guillotine. But the core reason the Dems lost is because the American electorate consists of a supermajority of fascists, and fascist supporters.
You were so close to getting the point and then you went and fucked it up right at the end.
I hate to break it to you but the “supermajority” of Americans are not fascists. They are simply sick of the Democrats bullshit.
I hate to break it to you but the “supermajority” of Americans are not fascists. They are simply sick of the Democrats bullshit.
“We’re sick of gutless politicians proposing moderate policy in-line with what their base continually elects in the primaries, so we’re going to give fascists the go-ahead to kill minorities.”
Very responsible citizenship. Very moral behavior. Not fascist at all. Thanks bunches.
Hey I didn’t vote for the Cheeto either. I’m just not sitting here bitching about why the Dems lost by blaming everything else except the Democratic party themselves.