Try and contain your drool when you say that next time, подставное лицо.
Try and contain your drool when you say that next time, подставное лицо.
Maybe educate those that ask for it.
News flash genius: EVERYONE is against genocide. You’re not part of some special grassroots movement of people that figured something out.
It’s just that there rest of us aren’t smug entitled children that have no idea how politics work.
Feel better?
It was. And it was also everyone else’s top priority that had any common sense. Because most of us with properly functioning brains didn’t hold their vote hostage over things they didn’t give a shit about a year ago. Also- most people saw what was coming from a mile away, and weren’t smug entitled assholes they felt no obligation to participate. They weren’t irresponsible and careless children that would just pretend to be victims alongside everyone else once the smoke clears-
as I predicted they would.
I’ve never been one to revel in the misery of others, but…. I am now.
I have not one ounce of sympathy for the suffering they will cause for themselves, but I do feel a tremendous weight of sadness for those that did everything they could to try and stop is from happening and still have to suffer along-side those losers.
Well, too bad. Because this is what they- and their uninformed vote asked for. They sewed it, we all reap it.
Well that’s yet another demonstrably false accusation. It’s mind blowing how you always say so many things that seemingly show no evidence of thought.
A very quick check of my comment history will disprove that nonsense pretty quickly. You’ll see that I disagree with many of the people here without accusing any of them of being “Russian spies”.
And no- I’d never accuse you of being anything even remotely close to being a Russian spy. You’re not only not in the same league with those that do that kind of work- you don’t even play the same sport.
Yeah… You are FAR from possessing the intelligence required for such a task. I would however, accuse you of having fallen for their bullshit as your entire ideology tracks perfectly with the propaganda they’ve been spreading for years.
Ironically, it’s people like YOU that hide behind false accusations to derail and distract. You keep people on the defensive so as not to have debate in good faith.