The people who swallowed their pride and admitted they screwed up made me want to help them more in the future. Especially if they wanted to learn how to fix it themselves in the future.
“Wait, that (completely needless, umpteenth) ticket we have open on your keyboard ‘making weird noises’ hasn’t been dealt with yet? Oh I’m sorry, sir, I did label it ‘urgent’ like you asked. Yes, sir, right away sir. Well, there’s a few things I have to get to before, but I’m confident I’ll make it there today, tomorrow at the latest.”
hang up, lift feet on the desk, delete ticket, make a new one set to lowest priority
The people who swallowed their pride and admitted they screwed up made me want to help them more in the future. Especially if they wanted to learn how to fix it themselves in the future.
“Wait, that (completely needless, umpteenth) ticket we have open on your keyboard ‘making weird noises’ hasn’t been dealt with yet? Oh I’m sorry, sir, I did label it ‘urgent’ like you asked. Yes, sir, right away sir. Well, there’s a few things I have to get to before, but I’m confident I’ll make it there today, tomorrow at the latest.”
hang up, lift feet on the desk, delete ticket, make a new one set to lowest priority