With honey the youtuber was actually the victim, so I wouldn’t judge them too harshly for that one. Small channels don’t have the flexibility to pick whatever sponsor they like. They’re just trying to get by.
I use yt to watch content not to express my political or ideological preferences. My goal is to watch as much content per second possible hence adblock sponsorblock and 2.5 speed.
Why use sponsor block? I want to know what sponsors my videos have, because if I see a “Honey” or a “Betterhelp” I’m gonna close the video.
With honey the youtuber was actually the victim, so I wouldn’t judge them too harshly for that one. Small channels don’t have the flexibility to pick whatever sponsor they like. They’re just trying to get by.
I use yt to watch content not to express my political or ideological preferences. My goal is to watch as much content per second possible hence adblock sponsorblock and 2.5 speed.
All the worst sponsors also require a link in description and/or pinned comment so you can know either way.