Tomorrow morning, I have a psychiatrist appointment for ADHD. Maybe after I get meds, I won’t have “big feelings” anymore. But that might just be the suspected 'tism. Who knows at this point?
And who cares?
Cheers 🍻
Good luck! It will be good either way, adhd or something else, they will be able to give you guidance. Be completely honest even if you think somethings embarrassing, because it will help greatly in getting it right.
Thank you :)
I know exactly what you mean.
Mine definitely shrunk to what I consider a manageable size.
This is my favourite embroidery piece (with hand crocheted edging) that my mother did.
She’s always been more interested in doing the crochet than the embroidery, so there are lots of doilies and things in the cupboard.
That’s really really nice, so many different embroidery stitches, many of them traditional dating back to the Elizabethan Era.
Just want to add that this is a very good piece and worth framing. It’s a good example of women’s art and culture. Your mum had a good sense of history and culture. 🙂
( I’m that nerd who goes to the V&A and buys the books on historic embroidery )
It would be the different stitches that attracted her to the design - she’s always hated doing lots of satin stitch and preferred using different fill stitches.
those fill stitches are what drew my eye , and the circles that frame each design like a late medieval miniature
Beautiful. What a piece of art!
That is a beautiful piece of work.
That looks mint. Maybe I should take up embroidery
Embroidery is a nice hobby - it is very meditative. This sort of embroidery takes a fair bit of practice to get right because you have to judge the position of the needle and size of stitches evenly, but things like cross stitch are usually done on fabric with evenly spaced holes to guide you. It is not too complicated but gives you something to do with your hands, and it gives you just enough to do with your conscious brain that you don’t get bored without taking up all your attention, so most of your brain has space to process things and do some quality sub-conscious thinking.
That is absolutely gorgeous ❤️
Me singing to the cat: “Alfie do ya want some wine? Ooh, no, you can’t have it! Boyo do ya want some wine? You can have Alfie’s! Alfie do ya want some wine? No cause you’re a kitten.”
… I haven’t even had any wine yet.
I talk to my cat in a Spanish accent cause somehow it’s appropriate .
Also…get on the wine. Good for what ails ya
I used to talk to the dog in a French accent. Totally made sense.
Wine is in the glass!
Our old dog ,(RIP) had a lisp and a deep voice, despite being tiny.
It’s just how animals are.
🎶What’s it all about Alfie?
Well. I’ve been playing video games and napping most of the day. Time for guitar I guess?
Double roll!
she is very cheeky …lol
Give her a hug or leave her house
And in today’s episode of stupid things I’ve done today…
I went to wash the dishes after dinner, ran the water and poured the dishwashing detergent as usual.
I forgot to plug the sink in…
Yep, what a dumb thing I did once again.
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve made a pot of tea, and forgot to put the tea in.
Haven’t done that yet but have done making a coffee and only put the sugar in and forgot the coffee and filled it up with water.
I’ve done that too - and served it to guests before I realised. Mega embarrassment.
EDIT: the nice thing about wine is you don’t have to remember to put the milk/sugar/coffee in.
I’ve had beer and bulgogi. Now for that other great pleasure - bedtime
Winning at life right there
Booze, card games and swearing? Pirates? Nah just an average Friday night at my joint.
Still waiting for my invite
Classes done for the day and I won both the Kahoot quizzes (for the general cat class, and the animal health and wellbeing class).
Made myself a lovely coffee as my reward
Right, pub
Cheers party animals 🍺
*This post was proudly brought to you by The Official Last Day of Summer
Perfect weather for it. Cheers 🍺
Cheers mate 🍺 You’ve earnt it!
Cheers Gibson girl 🥛
Finished the two hardcore antibiotics and the tooth still hurts, but I’m told that they don’t want to give me more and even the closer appt found is 2 weeks away. Great. I just hope it isn’t an infection and/or doesn’t spread.
Could someone do me a favour and slam the door please? 🦷🪢🚪
Have you tried the university dental hospital,?
Generally they’re quick on accepting patients , just make it out it be an emergency.
All the best. Tooth pain is shite and you deserve better.
Good luck friend.
Thanks, I’ll definitely consider that if things worsen.
I’m loving these paid naps hey. Lol
My kid did a very important biology test today. We all put in a bet and will be eagerly anticipating results.
Me: 96%
The man: 85%
The kid: 75%
The dog: N/A
Dog wins. Kiddo forgot to put their name on the test (we’ve all been there).
Wouldn’t surprise me.
dog needs to get it together, seriously.
I think he rolled his eyes.
survived severance
called it, it’s nazi type experiments on unwilling subjects
evil fuckers
It was very satisfying when she hit him with that chair.
Such a beautiful looking episode tho.
It was. 🙂
Looks like it’s fuck this shit ‘o’ clock.