Went back to sleep and woke up overheating -_-
I’m trying to wean myself onto books so I don’t rely so much on my phone but it’s hard. It seems I still read fast too. Going to have to sort something out about getting to the library. Doing things digitally is just looking too much for me right now. I forgot my library card password or pin, I cbf working out Libby and don’t want to buy a kindle.
Coles is currently 40% off on some shampoos and CW is 50% off on a lot of hair stuff.
I’m a bit suspicious though because the last time I bought something heavily discounted it turned out that sunscreen brand was being pulled for not living up to SPF claims.
Usually Colesworth or Aldi generic liquid soap in Aloe or whatever. It got a bit harsh with frequent use though so currently trying a lemongrass Australian Botanicals bar soap. Still drying but not causing flaky skin.
Or I just use up bar soaps I didn’t like on my hands.
Avoid the bamboo soap dishes though, they go mouldy
Thanks, I’ll definitely consider that if things worsen.
Finished the two hardcore antibiotics and the tooth still hurts, but I’m told that they don’t want to give me more and even the closer appt found is 2 weeks away. Great. I just hope it isn’t an infection and/or doesn’t spread.
Could someone do me a favour and slam the door please? 🦷🪢🚪
That looks mint. Maybe I should take up embroidery
I’d go this route for general soap if my skin wasn’t so picky