Usually Colesworth or Aldi generic liquid soap in Aloe or whatever. It got a bit harsh with frequent use though so currently trying a lemongrass Australian Botanicals bar soap. Still drying but not causing flaky skin.
Or I just use up bar soaps I didn’t like on my hands.
Avoid the bamboo soap dishes though, they go mouldy
Anyone loving their liquid hand soap at the moment? What have you got stocked?
I use turps and my tears of anguish.
Usually Colesworth or Aldi generic liquid soap in Aloe or whatever. It got a bit harsh with frequent use though so currently trying a lemongrass Australian Botanicals bar soap. Still drying but not causing flaky skin.
Or I just use up bar soaps I didn’t like on my hands.
Avoid the bamboo soap dishes though, they go mouldy
I use a detol hand liquid soap.
I use soap in bars.
I used bar soap as well! I like the imperial leather smell lol the ancients knew what was up ha
🙂 I use green tea soap
I used the cheapest bar soap available. It’s doubled in price the last five years.
My most recent lot of bar soap was made from beef fat I skimmed from some overly fatty soup bones. It made great soap and definitely counts as cheap.
Paper St Soap Company?
green tea soap is very cheap, $3.80 for 5 bars
Whoa $3.,80 for 5 - Peggy Lee - Big Spender
$4.40 for ten of the cheapest, plus I’m not big on scented anything really.
I’d go this route for general soap if my skin wasn’t so picky
Bar soap with goats milk here. Cheap, moisturising, fewer plastics and petrochemicals.
Sukin is good, and doesn’t seem to upset my sensitive skin. Smells nice, too