Democratic politicians supported the proliferation of law enforcement, on public transportation, in schools, even inside homes, a move that has only served to increase the number of people killed by police. Democratic policies are what first empowered the police to become a violent force against the left and in deference to Trump. What Trump understands is that the glory, power, and social currency of the police serve as the backbone for authoritarianism in the United States. It is a militaristic, hyper masculine system which is impervious to change and maddeningly difficult to monitor.
This seems to be the next “talking point” after “genocide joe” - somehow Trump’s actions are the democrat’s fault!
Don’t fall for it. We need to unite and support the one viable alternative to Republican power expansion, not quibble and bicker over “leftist” vs “progressive” vs “liberal” vs “centrist” and how the Democrats aren’t pure or perfect enough.
Nah, it’s long past time to abandon the Democratic establishment. If we need a political party, make it a workers party. If we want to help, we need to build community.
We are repeating history with another Guilded age. And we need a true peoples party to rise up and fight for all workers. Solidarity of the working class can pull people out of this.
Fight for your neighbors, for your struggles are more aligned than you realize.
Fight for yourself, because the established parties stopped fighting for you decades ago.
Focus on what matters. An egg for every pan.
it’s like a new molotov–ribbentrop pact to destroy the dems, just look at who daddy putin is have dinners with
you wouldn’t want to crush lovely Bernie and AOC though would you?
Nope. My honest expectation is that the democratic party would align itself with more populist messaging if the people pulled the party that way. Just like Democrats did back during the first peoples party. They won’t wanna lose voters, and they’re more responsive to the people than Republicans. They’d need a Bernie or AOC to rally behind to do that.
Anything that moves the Overton window is good in my book.
Nah their silence says it all. The vast majority of democrats are clearly content with this shit show. I’m not voting to help democrat donors anymore, they can either help working class people or die as far as I care.
the far left/right collab to take down the dems is quite something
And wind up right back here in another election.
Now is the chance to reform and fight back. Not to die defending a failing status quo.
Yeah stop talking about how biden supported genocide, the police state, attacks on refugees, etc.
We gotta stop the other team from doing the same thing!!!
(And then y’all blame the voters when you lose.)
so did you support hamas in the conflict?
Guessing you’re behind one of those <1%ers like Jill Stein?
Dude, I held my nose and voted blue no matter who, they didn’t uphold their end of the deal by actually putting forward policy ideas that might help people so here we are.
Most democratic voters I know don’t actually like the democratic party, they just hate Republicans more.
1%, 49%, its still a loss either way. You trying to feel smug about that? I guess you voted for genocide and STILL lost? How do you feel? And remember, this is for posterity so… be honest.
Jill Stein is pretty cool though. I wouldn’t vote for her, but I think she has some great points to make. It’ll be interesting what the Green Party does now.
No, she isn’t. She’s just another Putin puppet to help the far-Right.
Not really. They’re going to dump all resources into unwinnable national races where they can act as spoilers in FPTP elections while ignoring local elections and anywhere else where they could be effective in achieving their claimed goals. You know, like they have for decades.
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No, the Democratic leadership is ineffective at best, complicit at worst. They need to go so we have an actual opposition party. They’re not going to do anything but save their own asses.
10 democrats voted with Republicans to censure one of their own. They need to clean house before they can actually mount any opposition.
Blue no matter who was kicking the can down the road to buy some time, but was never a real solution. They weren’t even able to Garner enough popular support so now we’re in this mess.
Time to put people in who are as passionate about protecting the constitution as the current party leadership is about crushing populist candidates.
You’re right. Democrats are absolutely perfect at all times and we should never question them no matter what they do.
Seems you have a reading problem Crab, I didn’t see them say that at all.
Is there any criticism of the democratic party you won’t dismiss as talking points, then?
Of course there is, they’re a bunch of milquetoast centrsts more interested helping themselves than regular people.
The other commenter never implied they were perfect as you interpreted it.
So why should we pretend otherwise?
I’m not here to debate a bad faith troll Crab. It’s Saturday morning and I have a bunch of stuff to do.
Try not to put words in other peoples mouths, you’re smarter than that and can argue without misrepresenting what they said.
And I didn’t.