You can get decent results from AI coding models, though…
…as long as somebody who actually knows how to program is directing it. Like if you tell it what inputs/outputs you want it can write a decent function - even going so far as to comment it along the way. I’ve gotten O1 to write some basic web apps with Node and HTML/CSS without having to hold its hand much. But we simply don’t have the training, resources, or data to get it to work on units larger than that. Ultimately it’d have to learn from large scale projects, and have the context size to be able to hold if not the entire project then significant chunks of it in context and that would require some very beefy hardware.
You can get decent results from AI coding models, though…
…as long as somebody who actually knows how to program is directing it. Like if you tell it what inputs/outputs you want it can write a decent function - even going so far as to comment it along the way. I’ve gotten O1 to write some basic web apps with Node and HTML/CSS without having to hold its hand much. But we simply don’t have the training, resources, or data to get it to work on units larger than that. Ultimately it’d have to learn from large scale projects, and have the context size to be able to hold if not the entire project then significant chunks of it in context and that would require some very beefy hardware.
Generally only for small problems. Like things lower than 300 lines of code. And the problem generally can’t be a novel problem.
But that’s still pretty damn impressive for a machine.
Yeah. I’m so dang cranky about all the overselling, that how cool I think this stuff is often gets lost.
300 lines of boring code from thin air is genuinely cool, and gives me more time to tear my hair out over deployment problems.