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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024

  • I love this idea, but I beg that it be fully random.

    Because I want every board of directors to all have to write a contingency plan against a Union organizer’s monthly spinner outcome.

    We could raffle off the right to be the one who makes the spin during the live stream.

    I want to hear the billionaires pretend they have all the power while they still have to tune into our live stream of the big monthly spin. Lol.

  • As someone confortably in that top 10% and unfathomably infinitely outside the billionaire club, I hope you know I’m on your side, and I do care.

    Annecdotaly, the majority of my peers are as well.

    Our complacency is a huge part of the problem.

    But for what it’s worth, we’re increasingly waking up to the fact that we’re also quite fucked by what the billionaires are up to, in the long run.

  • So I suppose we can say the general storytelling rule across all of fiction is “There is only one of any character, unless there is a interesting plot reason for there to be more.”

    Yep. That’s definitely why. And they made the right call. A lot of media does it, and usually I can just ignore it.

    But having a full plotline of “I’m getting my file back” was just too much for my immersion. Lol.

    I wish they would have cut away and handwaved over getting him back.

    And let’s not even get me started on how the return trip could have been just the diff files for a few days of experiencs, and so should have been orders of magnitude easier than the original transfer. Lol.

  • There’s better answers, and I’ve used some of them.

    But I always return to just keeping a text file open with the Unicode symbols I need.

    A step up from there is setting up text macros in my text editor. When I was favoring VSCodium, I pretty much copied my text file into the JSON config, added some shortcut names, and started using it.

    I’m learning more about custom keyboard firmware now, and hope to have a dedicated virtual keyboard layer for fancy symbols and ASCII art, at some point in the future.

    But in a pinch, I just end up with a text file to copy and paste from.

  • Another word is needed

    The target is well regulated free trade.

    It’s good to be angry at capitalism, because capitalism holds unchecked capital acquisition as a foundational right. We know that doesn’t work in a globally connected world, if it ever worked.

    Notice that there’s no right to accommodate infinite capital in the phrase I used. And there’s also no complete ban on private property.

    The things that work are usually not any of the crap spouted by vocal greedy world leaders.

    We need to clip the right that capitalism gives to become billionaire, and then see where we stand on the rest of the rules, and decide together what we want to change.

    We’re likely to find a lot more confortable compromises, after the billionaires thumbs are off the scales.