Otherwise known as “bird on her love rock with shame”
I mean, I think she just outed herself and further proved she’s nothing special. If it was carved on a rock 25,000 years ago, you’re nothing revolutionary
Lol right!!!
Is this a new naked pic with belly hanging? If so, she’s seriously messed up. FFS. In my 40s and I know more woman with this type of stomach than not. She’s insane to think she’s bringing awareness to this. The woman I know dont spend every waking moment of their life obsessing about their imperfections! She really needs to stop. She looks desperate!
I don’t think it’s new. I think it’s from the pre-Lemon archives but she pulls it out from time to time. Most woman, of a certain age, look exactly like this and it’s no big deal.
I’m in my early 30s, never had kids, and I’ve always had a belly like this. It is absolutely nothing unique to herself or her experiences. It is so overdone; she is grasping at straws. She needs to find something else to talk about every second of the day
Totally agree! And for real, she’s projecting an image about loving and accepting her body yet she’s filled up to the tits with Botox, fillers, eyebrows tattooed, gnarly fake hair etc
Not them shaming this poor kiddo for drawing in her sisters school notebooks. Maybe if you made sure she had stuff to draw in this wouldn’t happen? Maybe if you paid attention to her this wouldn’t happen? But instead she’s busy going on a pet adoption crusade and caring about what colour some products are instead of paying attention to her kid. Why even post this? Just leave the poor kid alone and give her the privacy she deserves!!!
What was everyone doing they didn’t notice this while it was happening? Staring at their phones? Also that table she grifted always makes me a laugh because of all the knots in the wood that are bleeding through the white stain/paint. I wonder how many people ordered from this company and are happy with that quality. I would be pissed.
When she said in the video “I thought she was being extra quiet” well why didn’t you check on her fps? Stop looking at yourself in your phone screen and get off your ass to check what your kid is up to.
She choose an empty page to colour on so what’s the big deal?
That’s what I don’t get. Why shame the poor kid to her followers? At least she didn’t scribble all over her school notes.
Seriously, it was on the inside front cover that no one even uses to write notes. Not a big deal at all. Poor little girl looked confused as her family was OMG-ing about it and of course, filming it
Sarah sounded like a teenaged baby sitter in that video - not a 40 year old mother of 4.
100%!!! She talked to her child in the most valley girl voice of all time. I feel she puts on a little extra valley girl voice when she’s around J.
J sounded more like the mother than Birdie. It’s probably a common occurrence.
How exciting! “At least they match my Lips” 🤡
Does she mean they match in size or colour or both?
Why are her ears red? Is she posting that they are red from being outside cuz if so…what??? This is her content for the gram? Ew Also, why does her nose all the sudden look so big?
Because of her headphones. Boss Babe has been recording her shitty podcast today.
Don’t most people’s ears go red from long use of headphones. This woman is really boring. Zzzzz
So pretty much I see this as… ‘my ears are so red because I had headphones on all day while I talked/recorded from the comfort of my home/sweatpants. I am so busy with work! No one works as hard as I do. I deserve a six night trip away’
Riveting!!! Pumping out that grade A content as usual. Look at the colour of my GD ears. Also that hair colour is icky
It really makes me wonder if she thinks at all before she posts such dumb shit.
She’s grooming this poor poor child. I just know it
L. needs & deserves her privacy! This really bothers me! Enroll her in kindergarten, dance, art classes, etc. 🐦💩 can afford just about anything L. might want to do. I feel so sorry for this sweet little kid!
I really wish she’d just let this kid be a kid with some privacy. We don’t need to see her every movement and performance. Nor do we need to know she just had bath time.
Like why doesn’t she sign her up for some classes and let her be a kid with other kids? Stop making her perform for your followers bc your content is super dry otherwise. Like if she wants this kid to be a star or something, do something about it? Obviously nobody has come calling for her with the way she keeps pushing this kid to perform all the time.
This child isn’t star material, not being mean but it’s pretty obvious lol. I agree as well. She shouldn’t have her as content when it’s literally not even interesting and is just basic everyday kid shit that most mothers deal with on the daily.
I agree she isn’t and that’s why nobody is knocking down the door despite S clearly pushing so hard for it to happen. Like her motives are so clear to me (although I know part of the reason is bc she legit has nothing else to post) but she wouldn’t post this kids every twirl or song she sings if she didn’t want something to come out of it.
Seriously, this kid does nothing special to warrant needing her every move posted. Maybe if she went to school or gymnastics or ballet or something she’d be a little more interesting instead of singing the same wicked or frozen song every day.
Absolutely! She is an adorable little kid but she is not doing backflips or singing pitch-perfectly. Normal little kid things being posted like it’s unprecedented and the world needs to see it
Don’t think I have seen this version of her face before.
I thought her eyes arched up?
Why are the eyebrows so shiny? Lmfao
She’s trying out some new ones to go with her new hair colour! 😝
WTF is happening to her mouth? Does she have so much filler the sides can’t close? 😵💫😂😏
Is that her tongue you can see? Grotesque
I think it’s her gums? So weird, no matter what it is.
Omg what!!! So many questions. What is up with her eyes!!! She looks so old. Aaahhhh is this her real face ???
I was wondering the same thing! Is this actually her really face for once ? 🤷♀️ also is this the only content she could come with? Look at me in my husband shirt even though I have a dresser full of gifted pajamas!
Her content is dry AF. She’s going down!
More nude body shots and jerking off 🍆I mean “mandolin” motions in her stories.
The jerking-off video was rehearsed; she’s a perv.
What was she jerking off?
She was simulating chopping onions using her mandoline.
Omg I don’t watch her but why does she have to show off her body everyday?, like stop Birdshit. Yuck!
Her content is pointless.
2ml of filler in just this lip alone. Does she actually think this looks good??? Don’t forget to just “show up” tho 🥴🫠🙄
I’m convinced she wants to look like a blow-up doll (allegedly). Men are attracted to that.
Lmfao. Are they? Mine definitely isn’t. Blow up dolls also have curves, she prefers the sickly thin look.
I’m guessing the ones that will give her engagement are.
She looks like trash.
I just came here to post this!!! What is wrong with her mouth ew
It’s like when a dog snarls. Is she showing us her teeth? Should we back off? 🤣
I wonder if there are more magazine spreads on the way or something in person coming up? She only shares closer to her real face photos around those events to curb the shock. I wonder what she thought of Glamzilla being in Vogue while she was featured in some magazine no one has ever heard of!
What the hell is that magazine?? I’m glad that post has garbage engagement 🤣
It was a jump scare this morning wow! She’s probably so jealous of glamzilla but she is just as insufferable as birdie.
Her real age is really trying to break through here. She’s so shiny and the corner of her mouth is so weird, it’s all giving me the ick lol. I’m surprised she posted this terribly unflattering photo of herself.
The normal, mundane, not-even-worth-mentioning events she thinks are worthy of posting online. Millions across the globe were probably wearing their spouse’s clothing last night
I think she likes the way her neck looks so she posted it
But her face looks awful. The eyes…
10000% nailed it
Mother of the year 👍 Phone out and filming before even getting out of bed.
Wow that hair colour is not doing her any favours at all
She can’t even see it. How is it possible her hair this colour looks even more fake? She’s really tragic in a lot of ways.
It amazes me how someone can try SO hard to fit a certain standard and just fail every single time. I can’t help but think maybe a better hair stylist would actually have made it look good but 🤷🏻♀️
I’d hate to be her so bad, just doing everything possible to fit in and be “hot” instead of just being herself. What a shitty life.
Keep it up shitbird! You’ll be Darcey and Stacey in no time 👌🏼
Wtf is going on with the corner of her eyebrow. Looks drawn in with jiffy market. Yuck!
Yuck. Does she actually think her lips look good because they just make her look evil (which she is).
God i would hate being her family so much, always gotta be “on” in case you’re being filmed.
To me she is looking more and more like Tori Spelling. Nothing wrong with either of their faces but they are no representation for natural beauty or confidence - they are doing the most to achieve a beauty standard. I don’t know how any woman or company can praise Sarah for her money maker, her loose stomach skin, while looking at her curated face, skin and hair. It makes my brain hurt.
Lmao happy Friday!! Can’t wait for the weekend to do everything I already do during the week. Loser
Seriously it’s so funny when she posts “happy weekend!” Or “happy Friday!” Like what did she even do all weekend to require needing the weekend lol. All she did was go thrifitng, spend 10 hours at the hair salon, and sit on the sofa.
So ridiculously done up for her mundane everyday tasks in the city of Guelph of all places
She gotta have a pound of makeup on at all times to try and keep up the appearance.
She’s so fake. I hate her lips so much. I truly don’t know wtf she looks like.
And why does her hair only look dyed at the roots? I truly don’t think her hair stylist knows wtf she’s doing.
Her roots are the colour of her jacket. Her extensions are Tori Spelling blonde.
It almost looks like her extensions didn’t take the toner, just her real hair. It looks so bad, I bet she’ll be back at the salon in a week or two trying to fix it.
That’s what I thought bc it definitely doesn’t look like her extensions are the warm colour she claims
Her hair is fucking tragic and her stylist needs to be stripped of her license
Reality check. Her fake photo from today vs IRL images. I unedited her image from today and removed the filler from her lips. This is a friendly reminder to the princess that she’s not all that.
These two faces are so different 🤯
The filter she throws on her chin when she controls the image is laughable!
Confidence as she holds her rib cage instead of her waist so it looks like she is smaller than she really is…mmmhmmmmm.
This! What exactly is she redefining?! Nothing says “challenging the status quo” here.
She doubles down on the status quo and old-fashioned ideas of what constitutes beauty. She believes she needs to be a “blonde bombshell”, with the overly long tresses, to be considered ‘model material’. She leans in when trowelling on her makeup, contouring with a palette knife then uncapping the Sharpie to draw on her eyebrows. She then steps back and gazes with approval and smiles with her over-flated lips and tells us she just wants everyone to love themself and just ‘show up’
Omg I can’t stand her. I hate this smug face she makes
If her goal was to sound just like Alicia here she nailed it.
Who sits like that!?
People who want to appear itty bitty. She is sick!
This is exactly it! She knows the poses to make her frame appear tiny
She literally has the worst ear lobe I have ever seen!!! It’s so droopy!
I’m always surprised she never filters her ears
I’m surprised she has no trauma over her dumbo’s and has not written any toilet poetry about them. Truly shocking
wtf with that hand?
Big alien head, like this is not her head shape lol
Someone must be feeling fugly to be filtering this much 🤡
guys. She doesn’t filter. The dresser just blurs together, like dressers do. Duuuuuh
Kind of like when she gets soooo many people asking for her jeans or sweater etc so she shares the link. Ya no one is asking except for maybe 2 people.
What in the Droopy dog face filler is going on here?
That chin/jaw line tho
That’s the NEW hair??? Wtf lmfao
Sure is ….here’s a more staged pic
Wow, didn’t know a new hair doo came with an entirely new face
It… doesn’t look that great?
No it really doesn’t
So terribly bad! Hahah. I love this for her!
Did her hair dresser actually go to beauty school or is she just in her basement winging it because Birdie has never come out of that place looking good
Those extensions are tragic!
What’s she talking about?
She started to say she got “a lot” of advice about going to a warmer blonde but then said actually only 2 people gave her advice.
Posts about getting her hair done all day yesterday… creates an entire ‘new hair loading’ post… now is talking about her hair in the car and posting that… oh my god… no one cares this much about someone getting their GD hair done
She was probably talking about her hair on her birthday trip with her trusted tribe and some were brave enough to suggest a change from the platinum. She missed the mark.
I’m on the edge of my seat - her hair took so long to get done that she couldn’t show us the big reveal. Can’t wait to see what she did different 🙄. That’s one demanding career job she’s got.
She probably didn’t get the likes she needed for that self absorbed post…and plus reading the comments here and her 2 snark pages on Reddit…she thought it prob wasn’t good for her image to post afters lol. She is going down and knows it. Buying followers just isn’t it. Downfall in 3, 2,1…
I would actually PAY to see her grifter ass cancelled!!!
I’m betting it’s still going to look like shit.
Who the hell spends THAT long at a hair salon? She legit missed the entire evening with her daughter all to get her hair done, she’s a pathetic excuse for a mother and human. Like imagine missing picking up your kid, dinner time, quality evening time all to makeover your narcissistic ass.
People who like to avoid being home or having to deal with their kids.
Update: the hair has been posted and shocker it looks terrible
Post a pic!
That’s it in the pics I posted 💀
It’s a bowl-cut mullet. Her filtering is off the charts.
Ok but it basically looks the same as it always has, slightly different colour maybe? I don’t get it lol. An entire new hair loading post for minimal difference. SNORES
This kid clearly does nothing at NK’s. Bird’s ass is on the couch and it sounds like Shame is attempting to make dinner or clean up in the kitchen. To be clear it’s not the dog with the “zoomies”