The fat pouring out the sides, is that meant to entice me to get out my credit card and buy this? Lol
The fat pouring out the sides, is that meant to entice me to get out my credit card and buy this? Lol
I really don’t understand how she has the platform she does. She legit does nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. Her cutesy dumb blonde schtick is BORING and not a likable trait at all.
Seriously, she seems to feel zero shame about ANYTHING. So many things she does I’d so embarrassed about and she just thinks it’s all so funny and cute.
Like to not even make your bed? I don’t get it.
Seriously. Idk why someone who sits around all day doing nothing thinks that being messy is such a flex? And why does being messy make you hot? lol. Any reason to achieve her biggest goal in life; being hot.
She’s a nut job tbh.
She’s hates herself and her new hair so bad.
It really does
It’s just the way your phone received it 🙄
I don’t even know who’s face this is bc it certainly isn’t hers
That’s what I don’t get. Why shame the poor kid to her followers? At least she didn’t scribble all over her school notes.
When she said in the video “I thought she was being extra quiet” well why didn’t you check on her fps? Stop looking at yourself in your phone screen and get off your ass to check what your kid is up to.
100%!!! She talked to her child in the most valley girl voice of all time. I feel she puts on a little extra valley girl voice when she’s around J.
Not them shaming this poor kiddo for drawing in her sisters school notebooks. Maybe if you made sure she had stuff to draw in this wouldn’t happen? Maybe if you paid attention to her this wouldn’t happen? But instead she’s busy going on a pet adoption crusade and caring about what colour some products are instead of paying attention to her kid. Why even post this? Just leave the poor kid alone and give her the privacy she deserves!!!
I agree she isn’t and that’s why nobody is knocking down the door despite S clearly pushing so hard for it to happen. Like her motives are so clear to me (although I know part of the reason is bc she legit has nothing else to post) but she wouldn’t post this kids every twirl or song she sings if she didn’t want something to come out of it.
Seriously, this kid does nothing special to warrant needing her every move posted. Maybe if she went to school or gymnastics or ballet or something she’d be a little more interesting instead of singing the same wicked or frozen song every day.
I really wish she’d just let this kid be a kid with some privacy. We don’t need to see her every movement and performance. Nor do we need to know she just had bath time.
Like why doesn’t she sign her up for some classes and let her be a kid with other kids? Stop making her perform for your followers bc your content is super dry otherwise. Like if she wants this kid to be a star or something, do something about it? Obviously nobody has come calling for her with the way she keeps pushing this kid to perform all the time.
Her real age is really trying to break through here. She’s so shiny and the corner of her mouth is so weird, it’s all giving me the ick lol. I’m surprised she posted this terribly unflattering photo of herself.
Seriously it’s so funny when she posts “happy weekend!” Or “happy Friday!” Like what did she even do all weekend to require needing the weekend lol. All she did was go thrifitng, spend 10 hours at the hair salon, and sit on the sofa.
It amazes me how someone can try SO hard to fit a certain standard and just fail every single time. I can’t help but think maybe a better hair stylist would actually have made it look good but 🤷🏻♀️
I’d hate to be her so bad, just doing everything possible to fit in and be “hot” instead of just being herself. What a shitty life.
Yuck. Does she actually think her lips look good because they just make her look evil (which she is).
God i would hate being her family so much, always gotta be “on” in case you’re being filmed.
That’s what I thought bc it definitely doesn’t look like her extensions are the warm colour she claims
Soon they’ll be in a 75% off bin when people still don’t buy them for 40% off