I bet so many CT customers walk by her display and are like, who??
I bet so many CT customers walk by her display and are like, who??
Love when comments that are not kissing her ass get through 😂
Everything is wrong about this yellow bra!! How could they not fit her beforehand or tell their model hey, you need to wear a bra that FITS YOU! The top boob being pushed up/over the cup, her side boob moving to another continent, digging into her ribs like you mentioned, and that strap seems to want to cut her arm off of her body. This is all so so bad. I almost want to message Knix and not even from a snarky perspective, but from being completely baffled that this passed. It is 100% an ad for “Signs your bra doesn’t fit properly”
Hey Turdbrain, have you cleaned yet? 🤪
Also the strap digging into her shoulder. For the love of god, loosen it a bit. HOW can that be comfortable.
Also again with that star-studded social media content. Added to the list of regurgitated fupa posts and selfies, talking about how you… haven’t cleaned in three months… how do people stand this loser
Her eyebrows are giving me a complex. For someone who only cares about her looks and invest every waking minute into them, I can’t believe this is considered OK for her. Why can’t Shane help and/or clean?? Such useless people it drives me crazy
So ridiculous. This looks like an AI-generated picture of herself
Come oooon, people 🙄😞😩
Can you say airbrush?! She is delusional because she clearly thinks people can’t tell or will believe that it is an untouched photo.
Ugh always looking like a weird muppet
She is so ridiculous and boring. Bra on with cleav is mandatory to show everyone you lost at frickin’ ROTR. I bet she is going to do this every single day.
Seriously, it was on the inside front cover that no one even uses to write notes. Not a big deal at all. Poor little girl looked confused as her family was OMG-ing about it and of course, filming it
I’m in my early 30s, never had kids, and I’ve always had a belly like this. It is absolutely nothing unique to herself or her experiences. It is so overdone; she is grasping at straws. She needs to find something else to talk about every second of the day
So pretty much I see this as… ‘my ears are so red because I had headphones on all day while I talked/recorded from the comfort of my home/sweatpants. I am so busy with work! No one works as hard as I do. I deserve a six night trip away’
Absolutely! She is an adorable little kid but she is not doing backflips or singing pitch-perfectly. Normal little kid things being posted like it’s unprecedented and the world needs to see it
Riveting!!! Pumping out that grade A content as usual. Look at the colour of my GD ears. Also that hair colour is icky
The normal, mundane, not-even-worth-mentioning events she thinks are worthy of posting online. Millions across the globe were probably wearing their spouse’s clothing last night
Lmao happy Friday!! Can’t wait for the weekend to do everything I already do during the week. Loser
Omg those stupid ass eyebrows. Coloured in with a marker ffs. She looks positively manic in this picture.
Also, did you clean yet, Sarah? 🙃