I don’t read my replies
I didn’t consider the friction of integrating it into your existing process because I use a manual password manager. But who is saying you should replace a password manager with passkeys? It was always meant to be a parallel system.
Edit: I just wanted to add that people like you and I who have “solved” our credentials problems are a tiny minority. Passwords are shit. Just because we’ve grown accustomed to them doesn’t change that.
The core assumption of this argument is that individuals owe their lives to the State. That people are only justified in existing as long as they contribute to the group.
It’s a totalitarian vision that would embarrass Stalin. But modern conservatives take it as gospel.
I’m not pointing this out to say reactionaries are hypocrites. I don’t think they’re lying when they say they love freedom. For them freedom means freedom for the powerful to make society better. For the less than deserving, the best way to contribute to society is to serve the deserving.
Passkeys are light years ahead of 2fA in user experience. Why do you dislike them?
Security based on devices is one of the positive innovations of smartphones and perhaps the only area where they’ve improved over the desktop experience.
The people who think Orwell was on the right are the same people who think Hitler was on the left. This is not a serious debate.
What frustrates me about Epstein is that everyone just wants to find out who was gooning on teenage girls: hopefully their political enemies. The real lesson we should have been learning was not “who was a creep”, rather “why are wealthy creeps allowed to get away with shit like this”?
I feel like a scandal of rich privilege could have been helpful for the Nation, oh well.
It’s strange how many people are eager to discover the “true name” of things. IDK if that’s the influence of Rumpelstiltskin, D&D, or just vestigial old-European superstition.
I can’t wait for your treatise on pronouns, Sir Edgealot.
No, any platform that allows incels, nazis, and klansmen will inevitably become 8kun.
Jon Stewart regularly hosts chuds like Bill O’Reliy. The reason these people keep going on his show is because he hasn’t held feet to fire.
Stewart is steeped in neoliberalisim and both-sidesism, don’t be surprised if he pitches softballs.
The right has never gotten over the loss of the N word and they don’t want to loose another precious.
Chomsky is frustrating. Some of his ideas are so good that not only did they break into popular culture, the right adopted them (fake news). But he also had some galaxy level bad takes.
My frustration with him began when I watched a Youtube video called “Chomsky eviscerates post-modernism” or something like that. I expected him to defend structuralism or Marxism, but instead it was just a bunch of fallacy laden personal attacks and nonsense of the kind you would expect of Ben Shapiro.
TFW fascism makes you nostalgic for neoliberalism.
The money in AI is going to be the wages of the people it replaces. Those tech billionaires call it a revolution because getting labor without wages is the promised land for cunt billionaires.
The AI revolution is here because that’s what the owners want. If you think they’ll wait until the AI is as good as humans to replace humans I’ll point out that self-checkout already exists.
Just a reminder, Hillary called Trump Putin’s puppet to his face, live on National TV.