This is what I’ve been telling the accelerationists for a decade. You don’t know what’s going to step in and fill the political vacuum (I mean, we do now) but I guaran-fucking-tee you it’s not going to be the social democracy or socialist utopia that leftists want. It’s going to be a bunch of thugs looting and burning govt for personal gain.
But THIS time the people will SEE and then the neoliberals won’t have any support and the proletariat will finally rise up!
The proletariat: exhausted cricket noises
I think you’re right. It could seem worth it in the end, but not for a long while and maybe only in the perception of a future generation.
Did you guys know that this fiasco unfolded under a bust of Winston Churchill?
W Bush was the collapse, this is the looting
“First as tragedy, then as farce”
The supreme court handing the Florida election to W was the tipping point. We still could have pulled ourselves out of the shit at that point. It would have been ugly and Republicans would have fought it every step of the way but that was the opportunity before the far right media networks had consolidated their holds on radio and TV.
I’m sorry, how is the hegemony collapsing? The ruling class is still ruling; and that’s kind of the problem.
The US ruling class is losing its allies it projected hegemony onto.
I feel sick that was so goddamned embarrassing. And all of the demented rapist’s toadies climbing over each other to stick their tongues in it.
Jesus fucked up Christ
If Biden/Kmala had more loyalty to the American people than Israel’s genocide we could have avoided all this…
But that’s the big lie with neoliberalism. They don’t want a continuous string of “moderate” presidents. They need villains like trump to destroy things so they can get applause for fixing 10% of the damage.
I just can’t think of another reason they refuse to stop being so antagonistic towards their own voters.
The only way they can be this out of touch, is if they’re actively trying to lose.
It’s ironic that you’d accuse Kamla of being responsible for Trump in a thread ridiculing Trump for accusing Zelenski of being responsible for Putin.
Who lost an election against literally the worst president in modern history who didn’t even have an incumbent advantage?
So yeah I blame the DNC leaders at the time, Biden, and Kamala for trump being able to win an election.
All they had to do was look at polls of what Dem voters want, and say “yeah, I’ll try to do that”.
That doesn’t take $1,500,000,000. But that’s how much the Dem campaign was to lose to trump.
But sure Karen, blame people on social media. How could 1.5 billion dollars compete with that?
You blame Kamala for the majority of American voters choosing Trump?
Anyone who didn’t vote or voted for Trump is to blame. It’s no one else.
Kamala could have promised to personally shoot a Palestinian baby and you still should have voted for her because Trump has already killed 17. And it’s not a surprise. It was a campaign promise to genocide Palestine.
Of course she’s to blame. She had an easy win, against the lowest approved president we’ve had and chose genocide and billionaires over winning.
I always find it telling when people blame those who couldn’t stomach voting for genocide, instead of blaming the Democratic leadership for running on a platform of genocide.
Fuck this foolish narrative, even Bernie couldn’t come close to winning Texas.
I really love the playbook of Person A does something reprehensible, so of course Person B is to blame. Just looove it.
Yep, the DNC forced candidates people didn’t want to vote for, and now no one wants to blame the DNC for the results of their own choices against the voters will.
I’m assuming you’re being sarcastic tho, because is sure as hell haven’t been loving the results.
I don’t think it’s that wrong. With what I’ve heard the Dem party is as undemocratic as it can get. You or I have no say in party operations. Even candidates - except for the president - have little say over how it operates. They don’t even hear of meetings where big decisions are made. No wonder they’re out of touch when the only opinions that matter are corporate donors and billionaires
Blaming Person B is a distraction to the fact that their simping for Person A. Now we’re all arguing over Person B instead of Person A. Like I said, just loooove it.
MAGA never got over a black man as POTUS. They were never going to allow a woman, a black/Asian woman, to becom POTUS, by any means necessary.
PS Yes I’m saying the vote was stolen.
MAGA never got over a black man as POTUS
That’s not what it was. They hated Bill Clinton just as much as they hated Barack Obama, the only difference was Faux was created in late 1996 and didn’t go fully off the deep end and got popular till 03 with the Iraq war…
Like, the only reason there was ever the big push saying it was Obama, was bullshit neoliberals doing what they always do.
It’s the first rule of American neoli liberalism:
- No matter what the result, say we need to move right.
Just like they claimed their crime bill did what the ban on leaded gas did for crime rates, just like they said de-regulation did what the dotcom boom did to the economy…
The rise of conservative media started when Clinton allowed it to:
Seriously, it took 9 months, as fast as a human baby for Faux News to be created.
And then when people asked why it exploded in 2003…
People blame the Black man no one had heard of yet because it continued along the same trajectory while he was president.
I feel old having lived thru this. And I can get why 18 year olds dont know it…
But how can anyone over like 35 not understand why we’re at the point we are? We literally lived thru this shit during our formulative years.
Going against Israel has never been good for anyone’s political career.
Short and simple, shut the fuck up.
All these supposedly leftist assholes that where willing to sacrifice everyone and everything stomping their feet and telling people to stay home, BOTH SIDES!1!1, helped usher in this hellscape and they perfectly well KNEW this would be the outcome of their actions.
My current favorite is talking about how terrible Project 2025 is going to be (it is) and in the same breath mocking the idea of voting for Dems in the 2024 election.
Golly gee. If only there were a politician, however bad, who was NOT going to implement Project 2025. I wonder if we might not be here.
People are mad at you but I totally blame professional politicians for not being able to convince enough people to keep that asshole from getting elected.
They’re terrible at their jobs and deserve blame.
ETA: if you disagree with me don’t bother writing a 10,000 character reply. I won’t read it because I’ve heard all the excuses before. Like for my entire life. Just downvote me.
They’re terrible at their jobs and deserve blame.
There’s a lot of blame. Plenty to go around.
Guilt for everyone. Not that most of the cretins in suits can feel guilt.
They’re terrible at their jobs and deserve blame.
I mean, they’re fantastic at setting up opportunities for record fundraising. Actually achieving our political goals, not so much.
Okay, they’re great at their jobs but it’s not winning elections.