Centrist, progressive, radical optimist. Geophysicist, R&D, Planetary Scientist and general nerd in Winnipeg, Canada.
troyunrau.ca (personal)
lithogen.ca (business)
Certainly, if I had said that.
It’s like the Brits trying to convince everyone else to switch to their electrical socket. Sure, the design is better for higher voltage and current, has all these extra safety features, etc. But you cannot dramatically shift an entrenched ecosystem for free.
C is going to be around and useful long after COBOL is collecting dust. Too many core things are built with C. The Linux kernel, the CPython interpreter, etc. Making C go away will require major rewrites of projects that have millions upon millions of hours of development.
Even Fortran has a huge installed base (compared to COBOL) and is still actively used for development. Sometimes the right tool for a job is an old tool, because it is so well refined for a specific task.
Forth anyone?
The rewrite-it-in-rust gang arrives in 3, 2 …
Oddly enough, there was a huge push a while back to prevent Huawei being used in the cell phone network as infrastructure, because it gave China a potential espionage route. No one was thinking “kill switch” during this discussion. And no one was considering US tech in this discussion as a risk either.
I wonder what percentage of Canadian cell phone infrastructure is American?