Arf! I’m Tony Bark. Artist and writer by day. Programmer by night. Gamer all the way.
This tactic, like Reagan’s “welfare queen” trope, fuels division to distract from policies that harm working Americans.
The more who recognize that, the better.
Oh, yeah! She slipped into my DMs a while ago.
What isn’t woke to these people?
Stunt or not. Only one person got hate for it.
That requires having a thought!
She didn’t deserve the hate for an accident that wasn’t even caused by her.
That’s a new low even by Jim’s standards.
“Oh, no! Someone with something to say.”
That certainly aged like milk.
Oh… Oh! Well, that is creative.
Glad I was always suspicious of Proton.
Crazy part is, the USA hasn’t even been around that long.