The new Stack Overflow will be one built to feel like a personalized homepage—your own technical aggregator. It might collect videos, blogs, Q&A, war stories, jokes, educational materials, jobs, all these formats (or maybe others, we would love to hear your ideas!), and fold them together into one personalized destination. We want this place to be your “third screen”—your entry point to your own neighborhood on the internet.
Kretschmann warnt seine Partei eindringlich vor einem Gleichschritt mit der Linken.
Viel besser wäre nämlich ein Gleichschritt mit der CDU
Do you like me?
Schleichwerbung ist hier aber nicht erlaubt 🤨
This will never be removed. There will only ever going to be more types of websites that have to use this
Wir sitzen doch alle im selben Boot