This (new?) photo looks like it was taken when someone was unaware.
This (new?) photo looks like it was taken when someone was unaware.
That would be horrible and makes this more creepy than anything. I almost hope it’s a scam instead of targeted harassment. But now that you’ve said this I feel very uneasy that you may be right
Yeah springer was a lawyer and later regretted everything from what I read.
Danke, dass du das sagst. Es ist richtig, dass Frauen es vermeiden, mit respektlosen Männern auszugehen. Brauchen wir jeden Tag 10 “Nachrichtenartikel” darüber? Die gleiche Dummheit wird in Amerika verbreitet. Die dummen Nachrichten schaffen ein Narrativ, das uns spaltet.
Die Schreiber wollen die Ängste der Frauen bestätigen: dass Männer eine Bedrohung sind. Und sie wollen die Schwarz-Weiß-Paranoia der Incels bestätigen: dass alle Frauen Männer hassen, sie immer ablehnen werden und dass Frauen deshalb bestraft werden müssen. Es ist die Bestätigung falscher Vorurteile, die uns daran hindert, all das zu erreichen, was Sie geschrieben haben. Es ist Gift.
Ich stimme mit @killingspark@feddit.org überein. Die Männer, die sich aufregen, sind emotional unreif. Sie haben Schwierigkeiten, ihre Emotionen zu regulieren. Und sie suchen Trost in einer Gruppe, in der sie ihre Niedergeschlagenheit und Wut aggressiv zum Ausdruck bringen können. Diese Art von Menschen sind oft nicht durch eine gute politische Strategie motiviert. Sie wählen den schnellsten Weg, um sich auszutoben und sich sofort mächtig zu fühlen. Ich glaube nicht, dass diese Männer jemals der Linken beitreten würden. Die Beschwerden sind eine Ausrede.
Ich entschuldige mich für mein Deutsch. Ich lerne immer noch und benutze manchmal die falschen Worte. Danke für dein Verständnis haha
Great work! I think I’ll try for other subs. Let us know if it’s successful.
It might be the time tone encoding and steganography. But I believe witches and our history are fairly familiar with speaking in code to communicate.
Thanks for updating us
Vielen Dank für Ihre Arbeit! :)
I’m from Reddit too. I started on Lemm.ee and I made accounts at like 4 other instances. It’s extremely easy to make accounts and switch in the app you’re using (I’m on Voyager).
Feddit.org, a German server, was down earlier for Maintenace and I switched to infosec. It’s really easy. Not a commitment to apply and jump between instances.
You don’t have to wait. You could apply for a few you like the description of and try them out. If you don’t like them, don’t use them. If you like them—stau! :)
Ok sick I’ll check those out thanks 👌
Dude for the last year on Reddit I could NOT get a normal feed. It was always sneaking in AITA threads. It was absurd. And then the comments were even more absurd.
Did you see the PR company/ PR person Melissa Nathan that was caught manipulating pop culture subreddits for actors?
Like I could tell it was off and not at all like Reddit used to work but all this makes it so apparent that the content is being driven so hard by factions and bots. It’s mostly not real people anymore doing or influencing anything.
So glad to be on Lemmy with you :)
You can change the settings I think in Voyager.
Im on voyager now and I replied to you using the “…” and tapping “reply.”
You can also allow change the settings to show normal upvote and downvote buttons. (If your instance allows downvotes you can downvote on the down arrow button too. )
That’s how and why I joined over here. They implemented the upvote = ban policy. I got a warning. I have no idea what for because I pretty much upvote everything I read. I am pretty loose and will even upvote entire argument threads if I think the argument is worthwhile to read.
As soon as I was warned for upvoting the wrong thing, but not told which of my thousands of upvotes were wrong, I deleted Reddit.
Anyway, it’s nice here on Lemmy.
Hey I just discovered your community and joined after leaving Reddit ! Please everyone spread the word to others on the main space to come over here. :)
I’m very familiar with this community—they should migrate over here.
They’re witches. Of all different types of craft. A broom is something a witch rides or flies on in popular culture.
It’s saying that witches can survive against fascism if they band together in their covens and use their witchcraft.
Or, more simply, if they stand together in their faith then they will survive together.
Witches don’t actually fly on broomsticks or hit people with broomsticks. They’re just normal people. It’s slightly in jest.
I think you’re on to something. Presidential Republics are inherently unstable. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that South Korea is facing similar issues to America and both have Presidential systems.
After this settles if we aren’t all fighting in anarcho-capitalist communes, America might consider similar structural reform and consider a Prime Minister style of bicameralism (but they can call it President instead).
You make a good point and it’s a hopeful one
Dude something very weird is going on on Reddit. I’ve been through it with them for 12 years and this is like nothing I’ve ever seen.
I finally deleted the terrible Reddit app when my feed was blasted with repeated comments that “Reddit is far left and the left are domestic terrorists.” Sorry what?
These very weird not based in reality comments are posted almost verbatim in every thread. These people usually never respond to conversation.
It’s very very weird
I think your prediction is probably spot on. Reddit already feels like incel 9gag with a bunch of Russians pretending to be American college students.
Edit: oh if that’s your optimistic take then oh wow haha I am staying here on Lemmy I’ll start posting too
I never understood WorldNews. I said back in November pretty plainly that Trump won and so I fear that America would eventually leave or attack NATO. I said I was afraid that Trump would side with Russia outright. That we would abandon our allies in the Pacific, too. That our inaction would create a gap for China to fill. That the gap might be big enough to embolden China who then might make moves on Taiwan.
And I was downvoted (which is fine) but the comments I got were kind of bewildering. The people who engaged with me were trying to convince me that Trump would never side with Russia and there is no evidence ever of this.
And of course here we are now. And all of these things are happening.
The whole Gaza thing you mention—I understand the outrage—but I wonder how much of it online was manufactured in places like Pics because of the election.
Seeing the conversations here on Lemmy makes me think…there’s something very weird going on on Reddit. I’ve rode out Reddit drama over the past 12 years. This is not the narwhal at midnight website. This is something very dark.
Thank you for boycotting America. Go farther than boycotting us. Sanction America. Cut us off when it is safe.
There’s no way to hurt the people who hijacked the American government except economically. Thank you for doing your part. When you boycott America you help Americans in the long run too.
I’m a huge fan of embrace the suck and cut slingload
You nailed it. I agree completely. This is getting a bit off topic now but it’s worth talking about. Sorry for the novel. It’s how I am.
I don’t know if you remember. In 2021 Spring in America was a time when Americans had a renewed sense of hope (and for the first time in a long time, labor rights). That’s when that sub antiwork took off and it was before they paraded a Reddit mod stooge on Fox to mock the concept of labor rights.
Those short few months— the air changed. People were starting to realize we have collective power. That we were underpaid. People started quitting in droves. They changed jobs. There were many spots opened we had many die or become disabled, after all.
I drove across America twice during that period and people were quitting their shitty jobs in droves—Arizona, Kansas, Ohio—all the same. Sometimes during the shift they’d up and leave. Incredible, I remember thinking.
But. Then—big tech companies started to lay their workers off. Starting with Facebook most loudly. Zuckerberg release a statement that they “over hired” during the pandemic. Many tech companies followed suit laying-off in the same or similar amount. Using the same reasoning. Amazing—they all over hired.
I raise one eyebrow. The atmosphere in the air was still up but it began to mix with a foulness. I wondered then—is tech working together strategically? Maybe.
The tech layoffs were so many that NSA then hired a new public facing woman who started a public campaign to hire the laid off tech workers from the tech companies. The NSA even said smoking wasn’t an issue.
2022-2024. Profits soar. Layoffs continue. Prices increase. Trillion in unsecured PPP loans rock the Real Estate market. Interest rates rise—too little too late. Americans collectively fall back into deep dispair. A constant pressure on all of our chests. We are sensitive—we all feel it.
In 2025–Tech CEOs all congregate in Washington now and rifle through America’s treasury and fire Government Agents.
I raise both eyebrows. They do this for many reasons—but do we see the connection here? Economically they delete the federal safety net as the largest American job provider. Corralling workers and kettling us economically. This is Siege warfare.
Over the preceding few years leading up to the American Presidential election, American news outlets pounded that the economy was “bad.” Prices of goods were out of control because of…the supply chain? But when looking at the numbers, the price of goods were being raised much higher than was needed to cover their losses. It is no longer price gouging but an economic siege, who is there to stop them?
The Biden Administration was better than other Administrations at pursuing Anti-trust cases. In my opinion, it was another too little too late, but still appreciated.
The signal, or so I hoped, was that if Harris got in that the DoJ would continue to pursue anti-trust, criminal conspiracy, and price market manipulation cases that Biden Admin scored on. If anyone isn’t familiar— Biden admin was dunking guilty verdicts on Big Pharma companies to the tune of billions for criminal conspiracy to rig prices with competitors and other unsavory economic criminality.
I’m a criminal defense lawyer in practice but I wanted to switch to prosecuting Anti-Trust.
Now, I don’t know. The air is curdled.
TLDR/My Point:
I believe that the Corporate heads colluded together in mid-2021 to crush the short lived optimism we all felt in America. They manipulated the labor market and worked together to manipulate the consumer market. This effect is felt collectively all over the world but very much so domestically in America.
What we are in now—the globe and domestically as Americans—is an Economic Siege. You feel it. I feel it.
Corporations have become so large they rival the power of Nation States. They move like ghosts through the sphere of International Relations. I call them, Geldgheist or “Money-Ghost.”
We are no longer in a uni-polar world where America is top. But we are also not in a normal multi-polar world where only Nation States hold power.
We are in a new era where these Geldgheist bastards, whom have no nationality or loyalty except to their own individual power, seek to topple all Western Democracy and corrupt our lands. We cannot wage traditional land war on them. They have no land to physically attack. No soldiers to fell.
So, the only option we (the West and our Pacific Allies) have is economic war. Citizens Boycott. Governments freeze assets, break up and dismantle the Techbro Geldgheist Corporations.
Straight from the mouth of Geldgheist Musk himself, “[…] If that [American] pillar falls, the whole roof comes crashing down. There’s no place to hide. There’s no place to run.“
We face this together now or we lose Western and Pacific democracy — there is no other option.
Let’s say you had something compromising on someone. There’s so much smut out there that that alone might not be “fun” enough to torture your target with. It’d probably get lost in all the noise of the internet.
If you instead, spread their image in an ARPG style campaign, you’ve now got an entire forum of people who would identify the compromising material as “Nicole.”
There’s entire creators online that focus on internet oddities. If you really wanted to torture someone, you could make their face specifically known for a separate reason.
I’m not saying this is happening here. But if you truly wanted to harass someone and gain coercive control over them, this would be a pretty effective way to do that without sharing the compromising payload.
Which, we might consider this might be a coercion tactic towards the victim in addition to a targeted harassment.