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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • Exactly that’s where it should be doubled down… if their own estimates are correct… it’s only a 6 month expense. If they really believe they are about to open the key to basically eliminating the cost of millions of workers indefinately, wouldn’t throwing thousands of workers to accomplish it faster, lead to cost savings.

    Say if I wanted a machine that could make eggs indefinately forever… but to make it I had to put 100 eggs into it. why would I put one egg in a day for 8 months, instead of buying 100 eggs today.

  • To answer your question: no, that is not my suggestion.

    I mean so what is the suggestion? The post I was responding to made it sound like you were saying you shouldn’t use EV’s outside of short trips near home. Which begs the question what should someone who 99% of the time drives near home, but once a year needs to visit their family for christmas 2 states away.

    To me I’m wondering how complex are the chargers… we already have gas stations all over the place. To me it wouldn’t seem super inplausible for say fast chargers that are, reasonably easy to add to say the typical truck stop level gas station. Of which, they’d start with just adding one or 2… as EV’s become more common add more. Would be slowly working towards future proofing the consumer gas side (To my knowledge EV Trucks aren’t in the near future, but every truck stop I’ve been to has also had a huge regular car side)

  • I mean the point is, it’s the general flaw of like say when people tried to organize “don’t buy gas on X day”, doesn’t actually hit them because they go by the quarter… and it isn’t like they don’t know you’ll make up for it within the week.

    lets go crazy lets do a boycott for a month… dont’ spend any money for a month… what will happen? Well logically to do that you’ll need to spend a boatload of money before the month… and a ton after.

    IMO an economic boycot would need to be like “no luxuries march”. where we collectively agree not to pay for anything but food, rent gas etc… Rescheduling necessities inconveniences us, not them… because they know at the end of the day we’re going to buy them, and they don’t care what day it falls on.

  • fully agreed, it’s cause/effect taken backwards. They think they are becoming toxic because they can’t get laid… but really they are having trouble getting laid because they have a toxic view of the world.

    and yeah agreed with the right money, connections, looks or maybe even just luck of who’s around, people with those toxic viewpoints can still get laid.

    Of course Tate himself… it’s hard to really even judge him… From what I’ve seen of him I’d say while he hates women… I think he’s just a con artist in general. He see’s everyone in terms of what can he exploit from them, how can he get money, power etc… including/especially the fanboys that worship him. He doesn’t view them as people he respects, or that he wants to help get their lives together like he thinks he is. He thinks they are suckers that he can get to give him money on every one of his scams, and he knows what to say to keep them viewing him as some big alpha dog. of course like all exploiters, his goal is to let them feel powerful while bowing down to him, by convincing them there is someone below them on the food chain (IE women).

  • The plan of democrats:

    “Try to win the good billionares”

    “throw trans people under the bus”

    “shift further to the right”

    “Focus on trumps moral character failings, don’t let policy distract you”

    "Make sure to keep the progressives quiet, we can’t have the AOCs getting the jobs of life long do nothing democrats.