Just get rid of the charging stations. It’s ridiculous that EV owners should expect to charge their cars anywhere but at home or at work.
Just get rid of the fuel stations. It’s ridiculous that vehicles owners should expect to refuel their cars anywhere but at home or at work
If people want to go somewhere, they can just walk. They have two perfectly good legs and nobody is stopping them.
Just get rid of the cars. Build cities built for human communities, not for cars and mega corporations. Electric vehicles are a band-aid solution that’s not going to save us, and doesn’t solve the fundamental problem.
Just get rid of the charging stations. It’s ridiculous that EV owners should expect to charge their cars anywhere but at home or at work
why the hell is that ridiculous? People do go places other than home and work. People take road trips and vacations. Electric cars are a good thing, just because one particular brand is owned by a narcisist ruining the country.
I don’t care about any particular EV brand. Trying to use battery powered EVs for such purposes means that they need to built with heavy, oversized, extra hazardous batteries. The responsible, proper use case for BEVs is short trips with plenty of time for charging at home or work.
And women should stay home and cook. Amirite?
So your suggestion is basically families should own an EV just for getting around home… and a gas guzzler for long distance travel? IMO the ideal should be a slow phase out of the gas cars.
Or you know… instead of needing super heavy batteries… they could have smaller batteries… if charging stations become common enough that people can relatively easily find places to stop and charge on long trips.
Maybe there’s a battery range/charge time sweet spot, but I think it’s easy to underestimate what common enough would look like. These chargers are going to have to be everywhere and they’re probably not going to be taken care of properly. It’s just more e-waste.
To answer your question: no, that is not my suggestion.
To answer your question: no, that is not my suggestion.
I mean so what is the suggestion? The post I was responding to made it sound like you were saying you shouldn’t use EV’s outside of short trips near home. Which begs the question what should someone who 99% of the time drives near home, but once a year needs to visit their family for christmas 2 states away.
To me I’m wondering how complex are the chargers… we already have gas stations all over the place. To me it wouldn’t seem super inplausible for say fast chargers that are, reasonably easy to add to say the typical truck stop level gas station. Of which, they’d start with just adding one or 2… as EV’s become more common add more. Would be slowly working towards future proofing the consumer gas side (To my knowledge EV Trucks aren’t in the near future, but every truck stop I’ve been to has also had a huge regular car side)
BEVs aren’t compatible with the gas station model because they take too long to charge. ICE vehicles and even FCEVs are in and out of a gas station in five minutes, so you don’t need a big footprint to fuel up a lot of vehicles. BEVs need to park for a while to get a substantial charge, not even full one. The fast chargers get Teslas to 80% in something like thirty minutes. So, if these fast charger were installed adjacent to gas pumps, the price to charge your BEV would have to be something like 6x the cost to refuel in order to cover the missed fuel sales.
As for what type of vehicle a someone should own for the scenario you describe, a long range BEV is overkill. Either keep a ICE car for all your driving or keep a small BEV for local trips and rent a more appropriate vehicle for infrequent long trips. Better yet, take a train or bus for those long trips and rent a short range BEV closer to your final destination.