The russians do not have the same amount of lobbying in the whole country that the israelis do, at least not yet.
The russians do not have the same amount of lobbying in the whole country that the israelis do, at least not yet.
Holy shit you guys are fucked.
Das kann ich ja verstehen bei einem 30min Video.
Aber zu fordern, dass man sich ein 4 Stunden Video anguckt, nur um die Argumentationsweise von einem random Lemmyer zu verstehen, ist ein bisschen too much.
Man muss ja auch erstmal Zeit dafür haben und wenn das jeder auf Lemmy verlangen würde, käme man ja zu gar nichts mehr.
Die Russischen Soldaten sterben aber auch in deutlich größeren Zahlen. Und mit mehr Equipment würden auch noch weniger Ukrainer sterben.
China profitiert total von dem Krieg, zum Beispiel verkaufen sie die Quadrocopter an Russland und an die Ukraine.
Warum nur mit einer Seite Geld verdienen, wenn man auch beide beliefern kann?
It’s always the same thing, a state that used to work “together” with russia no longer want’s to be a slave to russia and work with other countries.
Russia doesn’t want that, so they attack.
It happened to Georgia before it happened to Ukraine.
The US won the cold war actually.
It’s just that they now somehow manage to loose after having already won.
Go ahead, visit China and talk to anyone you see about how much you don’t like Xi Jinping, maybe even compare him with Winnie the Pooh. Especially helpful if you do that to government officials.
Then, if you still can, visit Russia and go around telling people you are gay and that the war has to stop.
But, yeah, the US is also slowly working it’s way out of the list of free democratic countries, no question about that, I am lucky to live in Europe for that reason.
The reason why I don’t pay for a lot of media is because, if I pay for it I won’t be able to watch what, when, where and how I want to.
If I could buy movies and TV series as h265 files with high bandwidth and no DRM I would pay for it.
I would also pay for streaming if it had all content available, no DRM that forces me to use Chrome to watch anything higher than 720p and a good interface.
But those things will never happen because executives are too greedy.
Probably just a storage location for temporary signs which are used when there is road construction, etc.
I don’t think banking should be paid as highly as it does, but mine workers earn so much because they literally risk their lives at work.
The reason why bankers earn so much probably is because they work with huge amounts of money, so it’s easier for them to demand a cut of it.