I had an extra voucher so I used it on violet. Near instant regret.
My name’s not Rick.
I had an extra voucher so I used it on violet. Near instant regret.
Yeah those games were unplayable trash imo
Following the release of Shadow of War, Monolith wasn’t interested in developing another Middle-Earth game and went on to develop a new IP codenamed Legacy. However, WB Games wasn’t and still isn’t interested in developing new IP and wants its studios to concentrate on making games around already established IP
It’s a fun game, I recommend
Did Europe not provide COVID vaccines to their citizens? Even in the healthcare hell that is the US the vaccines were free.
Hopefully you’re Monolith Soft and not Monolith Productions. My condolences if you’re the latter; I really loved F.E.A.R.
I enjoyed Legends Arceus despite its performance issues. Looks like they fleshed out a lot of what made Arceus fun so I’m optimistic. Also very interested to see what they do with the alt starter third evos. Loved Totodile back in Silver so I think I already know which one I’ll go with.
I’m cautiously optimistic for this one.
Yeah, I do. It’s great when people are understanding and don’t hold double standards, but we have a lot of “Trad family” fetishizers here in the US and they absolutely expect women to keep their motherhood and work lives siloed because their end game is getting women out of the workforce and back to being barefoot and pregnant.
Imagine if a woman in government brought their kid into work. I suspect the praise would quickly change to scorn
But they were invited! You see, when African autocrats invite Wagner to strip mine their nations it’s their right as sovereign states. Don’t confuse this for support of European states using their right to self determination to associate with NATO, however. That’s clearly imperialism, because reasons.
Fake: FEMA? Seriously?
Gay: anon is constantly thinking about cracks
How do you location scout for a movie about a block world?
Russia would bomb their airports in a war regardless of whether or not they were used for military purposes, so they might as well