Und das aus Asien!! (Also hab ich gehört irgendwo)
Und das aus Asien!! (Also hab ich gehört irgendwo)
Mein Freund wurde fast flüssig in deutsch in einem Jahr ^^
Not going to adress the ways i showed how russia medels in foreign affairs? Okay. Then tell me why russia and china cut and spy out under sea communication cabels? If we were in a peaceful time, why would someone do that?
Kleidung kauf ich eh neustens bei Tom Tailor, also zumindes deren Jeans liebe ich
Haben die auch gute Jockstraps?
I want to stay here in germany, Augsburg or maybe move to Hamburg or Aachen.
But if political it keeps going down then i have to sadly leave for my own safety
Right. Germany, Poland, Italy and Ukraine are. And the EU is going to federalise
Both is worse
time to sing l’international!!
We never exited the cold war if you havent realised
I have no idea if it helped or did worse. I heared it helped but i have no idea lol
Dank diesem Post lese ich über den Reichtstags, Plenarsaal design heute und Kaiserzeit und Weimarer Republik, den Palast der Republik und die Volkskammer und das Nürnberger Deutsche Versammlungsgebäude und der Bonner Plenarsaal!
Neee. Im Bonn ja, aber der jetzige, ne
Ich mag den Bundesadler und all seine Geschwister :(
Panzerschokolade. We bring german economie back with Panzerschokolade!!
I am not american. Funny you think everyone showing off how russia is meddeling in foreign affairs is american. :3
But you know what evil is also good for??
It is a fact that china and russia are mingeling in foreign afairs and give money supporting political parties in countrys with their interest. The AfD and BSW in germany are great examples. Actively getting paid by and spy for russia and china. Krah (AfD) employed actively chinese spys in his political office.
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