If anybody should strip him of his citizenship, it’s the US.
I know all there is to know about Stewart, and I’m 99% certain he won’t go easy with Musk. All I’m saying is, if it ever dares do that, I and all the folks who know him will hate his guts.
It’s very common for hosts - hell, anybody - to be vitriolic with someone who isn’t there in person, and then become all civil, polite and buddy-buddy-like with them when they’re around. For example, Bill Maher recently invited that turd Matt Gaetz on his podcast show thing and it was the most nauseating best-friends act you never saw, considering how critical Maher has been of the guy.
Oh this disgusting scene that shows in no uncertain way that all politicians are in fact in the same club of psychopaths, and their public rivalries are just theater.
This is a make-or-break moment for Stewart, because if he ever shows any sort of complacency with Musk when he’s face-to-face with the sonofabitch, when he’s so passionately against him when he’s not, as talk show hosts often do with controversial guests, his audience will punish him something fierce.
I fancy that Charles will tell him in private that they’ll fight him on the beaches when the time comes…
Trump and Prince Andrew are probably the best of buds…
We’ll soon know for sure by reading the Epstein file.
I meant from King Charles to Burger King.
Mass protests can combat evil. They don’t do much against ultra-wealth that buys presidents of the United States though.
The only way she would care about labor is if she was pregnant…
From one king to another…
At least he lives by what he believes in for real. I kind of respect him for that.
I have no idea who Andrew Tate is. So I looked him up on Wikipedia, and he seems like the kind of awful person who would be a darling of the MAGAsphere.
Could someone explain to me why DeSantis doesn’t want him then?
Ukraine has paid the protection racket.
I know most people - I included - use enshittification to describe something that becomes worse, but that’s not what Cory Doctorow meant.
Enshittification means something very specific: it means a service that degraded because it started out being good to its users, then favored its business partners at the expense of its users, then favored itself as the expense of both its users and its business partners, then disappeared.
Here is the tweet - if that’s not the most flagrant Trump bootlicking, I don’t know what is:
And here is the backpedal:
Believe what you will. I believe what I read.
Considering how many users here have expressed similar disillusionment with the current Democratic party, it seems a bit hypocritical to judge Andy Yen for having the same feelings (or expressing them on occasion).
The only thing Yen should have done to be credible is shut the fuck up and not take any side, or express any political opinion. I expect no less from the CEO of a company that pretends to sell me privacy from a neutral country.
I’m not saying Yen is a raging magat. I’m saying the moment he opened his trap about US politics, he tainted his company and damaged its credibility.
When the parents are irresponsible, most other nations step in and make the responsible choice for their children in their place, whether the dumb parents like it or not.
But in the US, the state is even more irresponsible than the parents.
What a sad, sad country it has become…
Trump is an an easily fooled child:
Some guy stays diplomatically polite and pretends to be his pal for 30 minutes to get what he wants and Donny boy thinks they’re besties forever. What a dumbass… No wonder why Putin and Kim Jong Un managed to butter him up and make him think they’re on his side so easily.