A child who was not vaccinated has died from measles in West Texas, the first death in an outbreak that began late last month and the first from measles in the U.S. since 2015.
The death was a “school-aged child who was not vaccinated” and had been hospitalized last week, the Texas Department of State Health Services said Wednesday in a statement. Lubbock health officials also confirmed the death, but neither agency provided more details. A news conference is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.
Covenant Children’s Hospital in Lubbock didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment, nor did Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s office.
Not so loud about their beliefs when they backfire, eh?
I hope this kid’s parents suffer terribly. This child depended on them to keep it alive, literally the most fundamental part of being a parent, and they failed miserably. It’s the worst form of betrayal: the kind that costs lives. I wonder what Jesus would have to say about that?
I don’t wish suffering on them. Their child is dead. They’re suffering enough. They’re likely to just hold stronger to whatever beliefs they have and blame whatever bs reason they can think of.
I hope they learn. They learn that there are truths and things in this world that are real, and everything isn’t some messed up conspiracy theory. That you can challenge others beliefs as long as you also challenge your own.
The fact that their choice to not vaccinate contributed directly to their child’s death is a hard pill to swallow, but let’s hope they swallow it all the same.
Not a chance.
They’ll find a convenient scapegoat (probably trans people) and dig in deeper.
You legitimately have too much patience.
In so far that anyone can deserve to suffer, these pieces of shit do.
Yeah, but at least he didn’t have autism!
How’s all that winning working out for Texas?
Sorry for the kid. Maybe the parents will also learn the legal side of “criminal neglect”. They simply murdered their own child.
They didn’t murder they own kid, it was God simply telling them it was their kid’s time to go. I mean that with 100% sarcasm, but there are people out there who believe just that.
but there are people out there who believe just that.
That is the sad part.
Only if the parents are brown.
If white, “it was gawds will”.
Or “It was The Markets will” if you’re a centrist or capitalist. Their belief system works pretty much exactly the same, just a different god. Centrist so-called atheist enablers are not excused from this equation.
These morons think God’s will controls everything, apparently it didn’t occur to them that God also intended for humans to create vaccines.
“Capitalism created vaccines.” - The Average “Enlightened” Centrist
The chances of America charging these parents is zero. And this poor kid is just a herald of of things to come - people dying of preventable, contagious diseases because morons and kooks think vaccines are some kind of left wing conspiracy.
If the child could medically get vaccinated, the parents murdered their own kid. You don’t get to be a parent and get something like vaccines wrong.
We did it, America! From the brink of eradication all the way to killing children in Texas in around a decade! We’re number one! We’re number one!
I swear I might actually punch someone if I hear them talking about kids dying “with” measles vs. “from”.
I think that word substitution is a necessary part of the logic of the people who see people other than themselves as inherently less than them and deserving of suffering if their health would cause them even the slightest inconvenience…for lack of a better word I’ll call these people “the cullers”.
The cullers see the deaths that occur from disease as just being “nature taking its course”. It’s only a small step from “healthy people don’t die of this” to “they deserved their deaths because they’re weak” and then a slightly larger jump to the even more horrifying “we should kill off the weak on purpose in the name of efficiency”.
Congratulations Texans! You did it!
What a fantastic thing for the parents to experience! I love that they will have to live with the fact that their child is dead of a completely preventable disease purely because of their own decisions.
My late father used to smoke at least a pack a day. He did that for almost fifty years. When he was diagnosed with incurable lung cancer he said, and I quote: “We’ll never know why I got this”.
People can be really good at dodging responsibility even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
What’s sad is, they won’t even change from this.
That would require admitting they were wrong.
Stupidly insecure people are incapable of admitting fault unless they literally have no other choice in order to be accepted by their peers.
That poor kid. Easily preventable if they didn’t have stupid parents. At what point can we hold the parents accountable?
When the parents are irresponsible, most other nations step in and make the responsible choice for their children in their place, whether the dumb parents like it or not.
But in the US, the state is even more irresponsible than the parents.
What a sad, sad country it has become…
Not everywhere in the us, but Texas, where this is happening currently, seems especially bad, at least in counties outside Dallas and Houston area.
This could easily happen in parts of SoCal or anywhere with big Mennonite or Amish cults too.
At least they didn’t get autism.
How do you die from measles? I mean what actually causes death? Is it pneumonia?
I feel sorry for the kid, but at the same time, I hope the funeral is the most painful, drawn out event for their parents, that everyone who comes lets them know exactly whose fault it is that their child is dead. I hope it’s a learning experience for them.
Unfortunately, no one in the antiVax is going to change their minds until it hits them very close. That kids first cousins might, maybe, get vaxed. More likely, they’ll blame it on the hospital, or the flu.
Even if they’re willing to admit that the vaccination would have saved his life they’re going to be torn getting their other children vaccinated because of the possible negatives they think could happen. In their view it’s a slight chance of death versus guaranteed autism.
I bet if you go ask them right now they’ll point out that colds Have death rates associated with them. Just another avoidable unavoidable tragedy.
They’ll refuse to be reasoned with or educated. These people were literally taking horse dewormer and an attempt to avoid vaccines.
I don’t think that wishing them extra pain is particularly useful. We’re all mad at them but realistically they’re just undereducated, obstinate, and programmed.
Queue the childs parents: If only we’d known how dangerous measles was we’d have gotten our child vaccinated!
That child died because their parents are fucking morons. They should be held accountable.
it’s ok, everyone. it was god’s plan.
The vaccines wouldn’t have helped!
They need more studies.
they are made of ingredients