Silver linings can be really slim these days it would seem.
Silver linings can be really slim these days it would seem.
I know. The point of my comment is ghe consequences of bad management always fall on the necks of those below them on the corpo shit shoot.
Aaaaand the consequences of bad management aaaarrrrreeee…
Doesn’t stop the execs getting docile
Personally I’d say so but I could also see it getting taken under conspiracy to commit murder.
What on earth are you babbling? If the point you’re trying to make is that cats, like other animals, can show traits of humanity, sure, I’ll give you that. But if you’re trying to spew that a scientifically identified species is a completely different scientifically identified species… well then, I just might know of a bridge that’s become available for purchase in your area.
I find it pretty translucent this joke went on too long. Double-dipping the punchline is a bit dorma.
It’s only slander if it isn’t true and Korra wasn’t particularly good anyway.
I wanna know who’s so disconnected from reality that they think everyone’s got a VR headset lying around.
Why do people eat food they know isn’t good for their health? Why do people continue to buy products from companies that have proven to only sell bad products or engage in scumbag practices?
They all have the same answer.