I want to take a wild guess and say that the word was supposed to be jump.
You probably call them nasty people, probably say how he always knew, how you can’t trust them. Claim he would never act like that. Then probably put travel restrictions in place to prevent them from coming here and tariffs.
The original vision for the game would have been better. EA was more interesting.
Pacing and toes of gear is done poorly. There’s swords for days but only 2 interesting tridents, war picks, or hand axe for example. There’s barely any usable druid gear (anything that actually matters if you wild shape). And the most useful stuff for monks is found only in act 3.
A lot of people are nitpicky only because it won so many awards and it’s not their own perfect game (if such a thing exists).
I still give this game a 10/10 for what it is. Despite knowing if it baked another year it might have been so much more.
I’m partial deaf… These let me hear music in a way I never could. I remember being in a quiet place and listened to an audio sample… Hearing an instrument on my bad side was like listening to it for the first time. Hearing in stereo is just wild when you have only heard in mono your whole life
So, gallows than?