The original vision for the game would have been better. EA was more interesting.
Pacing and toes of gear is done poorly. There’s swords for days but only 2 interesting tridents, war picks, or hand axe for example. There’s barely any usable druid gear (anything that actually matters if you wild shape). And the most useful stuff for monks is found only in act 3.
A lot of people are nitpicky only because it won so many awards and it’s not their own perfect game (if such a thing exists).
I still give this game a 10/10 for what it is. Despite knowing if it baked another year it might have been so much more.
I wish they had done it without Tencent.
Interesting, I didn’t even know Tencent was involved, was their influence very visible?
The amount of money that was dropped on the making of the game is a clue but unpopular opinion? Who’s a fan of tencent anyway?
For those who don’t have the context Tencent is a huge Chinese company that has many investments in games. They are the type that plays it silently usually invest and they do let the people do their thing then take their share. But the problem is two fold first of all you cannot start saying much abou the ccp tencent wouldn’t send you to jail but would pull the plung of the funding. Secondly any client info that ends in Tencent hands is potentially viewable by the ccp. There’s no need of a Snowden to tell you that, the government made it law so if you buy the game your data goes to China.
The game is good despite DND 5e’s rules, not because of them.
Unfortunately, DND is mega popular. Many people have never played anything else. Many people have never even played it. So any discussion about it has a “of course 15 strength is +2, isn’t that just how RPGs work?” segment where you have to establish that DND is in fact weird.
Gale is a piece of shit
As a straight male, playing a halfling, when Gale tried to romance me I had an immediate visceral reaction of “I am not safe”. Really gave me perspective on what women and maybe some gay men have to deal with.
The game is not that big, it’s far more linear than advertised, the maps aren’t really that big, and loot is lacking. The only reason people have 100+ hours is due to extensive conversations, dialogue, and the fact that it gives you no direction. Once you know what to do and where to go, the games shortness becomes apparent. The spell list is underwhelming, and so are the number of classes available. Not producing an expansion is going to hurt longevity, and eventually, people will stop playing because of it. The level cap sucks. Yes, I know, you dont need to be level 20, but who cares if you’re brokenly op? It’s supposed to be fun, and believe it or not, there are people (like myself) who DO enjoy grinding levels, and there are more of us than people realize. The level cap is a huge miss. The story is not that great (I’d even go so far to say it was very clearly rushed), and the only thing holding it up are the party member quests, which are far too easy to fuck up thanks to the lack of direction. Exploration is strongly discouraged due to the abysmal loot, and it feels unrewarding. There aren’t enough legendaries, and you often stick with the same weapons throughout the campaign and are rarely encouraged to try something new. Also, horny companion system makes no sense. Please, please tell me why I was a complete, total shithead to gale and halsin yet they still both “confessed their love” to me? Like, I literally went out of my way to earn their disapproval, and I chose the shittiest dialogue options with them every opportunity I could, and they still said they wanted to sleep with me. Wtf?
mic drop
Fight me.
I very much agree on the loot. I had thought there’d be quite a bit more? It’s one of the type of mods I kept adding, just to get me some variety. What do you mean there’s no fancy swords for a paladin??