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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Oh for fucks sake, AfD is 20% of the vote in Germany, Scholz (SPD) lost in part for not supporting Ukraine enough.
    Ukraine has overwhelming support in Europe, and for Christ sake they do too in USA, even Republicans favor supporting Ukraine.
    It’s just their idiotic undemocratic 2 party system in USA that made Trump win, and give him almost absolute unchecked power.

    AfD has no chance to get to power that’s anywhere near like what Trump has. A majority will clearly be created around them.
    The only parliamentary problem is that AfD makes it so neither left or right have a majority, which will probably force cooperation between left and right. But both sides support Ukraine.

  • gas heated water

    In the 60’s and 70’s we also had a gas heater for hot water, and that heater was definitely NOT suited for drinking water, as the pipes the water was heated in were copper.
    The heat source is not the important thing, it’s how it’s designed and the materials used. It needs to be positively approved as food grade. By preheated I mean heated before it comes out of the tap.

    only my Scandinavia friends has it or talks about it

    IDK why that is? But I’m Scandinavian too from Denmark, so there you go. 😋

    my French and Italian friends usually don’t

    AFAIK induction was under patent protection for a long time, and that patent was held by a French company. French stoves are nearly non existent here, it’s all local, German, Swedish, Italian, British or Spanish.

    Maybe Induction was cheaper in the past in France and Italy? It only recently (about 10 years ago) became dirt cheap here, as in costing basically the same as the alternatives.
    I remember back in the 80’s inductions was about 2-3 times as expensive as a quality stove that was not induction. So Halogen (the ones with red light) were dominant for many years. And also pretty good, but not quite as good as gas for cooking. But convenient in other ways.

    not how fast I can warm water.

    It’s not a big issue, but coming from Halogen it clearly changes the way you use your stove, because it’s so much more powerful and responsive.
    About how much faster it is, I had a debate with my brother in law who didn’t believe it could be that much faster than an electric kettle. I don’t remember the exact times it took, but the induction was as I mentioned more than twice as fast! That was a nerd thing because we are both a bit nerdy. 😋
    I’m fine cooking on Gas, that’s what we used when I grew up, and when i moved to my own apartment, then for many years I used halogen, and now we have induction. IMO induction is superior, AND it’s also the most energy efficient.

    So IMO the best reason to NOT switch to induction is if you have something else you are happy with, then the “if it works don’t fix it” may be the way to go for you.

    One thing about gas that annoyed me though, was if you wanted to do something fast, and you turn it up, the flames spread wider, so if you wanted to boil a liter of water fast, or heat a stored meal, it was not very efficient at that. Because the flames had a wider spread than the size of the pot.

  • Jamen hvorfor i alverden bruger i stadig Microsoft?
    I 99,9% af tilfældende er LibreOffice rigeligt, og de skabeloner i har betalt for i dyre domme, kunne have været lavet til LibreOffice i stedet.
    Kommunerne har låst sig selv fast på noget lort de ingen kontrol har over. Det burde fame være ulovligt!!
    Det svarer til at købe vand på flaske til alle formål, selv at skylle toilet ud med. I stedet for at bruge vandhaner.

    Så installer for helvede noget virtual machine, og gå stille og roligt over til noget open source. Det vil koste lidt ekstra i starten, men øge frihed, fleksibilitet og sikkerhed gevaldigt i længden. Og så kan i spare 100% på alle licenser!!!

  • and the big burner is 5.5kW.

    Yes, but there is enormous waste of heat with a gas stove, so your 5.5 kW big burner, is only equivalent to half of that compared to induction. Our smallest plate at 4.4+ kW is more powerful.

    Cooking isn’t just heating stuff as fast as you can, what a curious thing to consider.

    That’s a straw man argument, I never claimed any such thing.

    But the fast response time makes it easier to adjust correct temperature/levels, and this was for many years a major argument from users of gas, but this argument is completely irrelevant now.
    I also mentioned other drawbacks of gas.

    PS: I NEVER use preheated water for cooking anything, preheated water is generally not meant for consumption. It needs to be designed for that specifically, so unless your preheated water is guaranteed food grade, you shouldn’t use it.

  • This is very common in Denmark, and I suspect in much of Europe.
    This is commonly used for stoves, ovens, dishwashers, dryers and washing machines. 30 years ago it was vastly dominant.
    But today most 380/400v equipment can also run on 230/240v (2 phases instead of 3). Many now use standard 230/240v because most equipment has become more power efficient.

    PS: Apparently we actually have 400v for 3 phases. So our stove is 400v. I just chose the lower number to not exaggerate.
    I’ve tried to find out why both numbers are used, and all I can find is that it’s due to regional differences?

  • gas stoves being better or faster than induction is a myth. They have certain specific advantages, but they are actually slower.

    If you have 380/400V 16A induction, it’s not even close.
    But be careful, if you have ceramic coated pans for instance, and you use the high power settings to heat it up, your pans won’t last long, as the ceramic may crack because of the fast heat up. We lost 2 pans that way. 😋
    We also had a cheap cooking pot, where it developed a crack between the main pot and the apparently cheaply attached heat spreading bottom.
    This made the pot sputter because water was collected in the crack when washed.
    When I boil eggs, i time it from the moment the water is boiling. But with out new stove, the water boils so fast, I’ve had to add 2 minutes to the time they boil!!

    Our electric kettle is 2.2 kW. But boiling a liter of water on the stove is still more than twice as fast!! Meaning the stove must be putting more than 4.4 kW to the pot, on the smallest cooking spot!!

    Obviously that is only possible for 1 spot at a time, I figure the max must be around 6kW combined.

    They have certain specific advantages, but they are actually slower.

    I can’t think of any advantages, gas stoves are slower, they are harder to clean, they give off an insane amount of wasted heat, which is uncomfortable in hot weather, and they noticeably degrade air quality unless you have very good ventilation.

    The only possible advantage I can think of, is that you can use cheaper equipment on gas. but not always, because non metal handles tend to get ruined on gas stoves.

    All in all induction is superior. 😎

  • I’ve heard a lot about Russia not being able to make good ball bearings, so I think you are right it will impact transportation especially by train.
    Regarding food, Russia is also likely to have way below average harvest in 2025 for several crops. Because they can’t import quality seeds, and have to make do with Russian seeds that have lower yields.
    Note that this import is not restricted by embargo, because it’s for basic food items which have exceptions. It’s simply Russia themselves that prevent imports, probably because of lack of currency for imports.

    So for sure prices of basic food items will go up in 2025, also more than inflation itself would require. And this is very likely to cause huge problems for especially pensioners and other low income households.
    I don’t think we will see widespread starvation, but shortages rising prices and possibly food stamps are very likely.

  • The singularity is an interesting idea, but further analysis to me indicate that physical barriers will prevent it from ever happening.
    Yes we have development at an increasing pace, but the barriers for improvements are increasing even more as we approach physical barriers. So we are not approaching the singularity, but we are approaching what could be the peak of fast progress, especially on living standards, where it may already have passed for the developed world.

    Ray Kurzweil is a brilliant man, but I think he miscalculated regarding the singularity.