not all Tesla drivers are douchebags
not all Tesla drivers are douchebags
I am by no means a douchologist, but in my amateur opinion if somebody is still driving a Tesla, they’re douche-bag-adjacent at the very least.
Might have been a good cameraman back there
The only brave man in that room was zelensky.
Good for zelensky for standing up for what he thinks is right.
Business? What about democracy and freedom? Why is this about fucking business? What a tool.
Hood Robbin’ was right there
Imo its more nuanced than that.
If there was only the popular vote, which makes more sense than electorate fuckery, we would have avoided round 1 in 2016.
The system of political choice is really broken in the US, that was just one example. None of us chose the political system we use, we are presented with limited and similar options for representation every two years in a first past the post vote.
I agree that we failed to prevent this, but the system is kind of rigged